- Net Framework 4.7
- Unity (resolver container)
- log4net library (v2.0.5)
This repository contains the simple solution to easy configure a logger in your console apps (valid for web apps as well) and we resolve the dependency injection for unit and integration tests.
define Logger as static
public static class Logger
public static ILog Log { get; set; }
initializated in the Bootstrap class
internal static void Init()
_container = new UnityContainer();
internal static void ConfigLogger()
XmlConfigurator.ConfigureAndWatch(new FileInfo(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + Log4NetConfigFileName));
Logger.Log = LogManager.GetLogger("AppLogger");
We´ve separated the initization of our Logger and the dependencies of our project.
In the test layer we might use a mock of the Logger:
private ILog _mockLog;
public void Setup()
_mockLog = MockRepository.GenerateMock<ILog>();
_mockLog.Expect(e => e.Debug(Arg<object>.Is.Anything)).Repeat.Once();
Logger.Log = _mockLog;