SAM Typescript
State Management made Scalable. Save yourself from state management hell.
Based on Jean-Jacques Dubray's SAM programming model ( All credits go to him for this brilliant model. For a Javascript implementation please see:
In SAM (State Action Model architecture), the following is the process.
Action -> Proposals -> Model Mutation -> State -> (Optionally) Next Action
So let's create a simple counter state machine. A counter state machine can be in 2 conceptual states: when the machine is counting and when it is done. This can be expressed as:
State = ShowCountState | MaxCountState
- Define your states: Define your states as classes one property 'id' and as readonly. This is required.
import { SAMStateDefinition } from 'sam-typescript';
class ShowCountState implements SAMStateDefinition {
readonly id = 'show-count';
class MaxCountState implements SAMStateDefinition {
readonly id = 'max-count';
type AllStates = ShowCountState | MaxCountState;
- Define your model: A model is the global object you will need to mutate. Define this in your typescript file using an interface.
interface SimpleCounterModel {
count: number;
- Define your actions that you will call to create a proposal:
import { SAMActionRequestDefinition } from 'sam-typescript';
class ChangeCountAction implements SAMActionRequestDefinition {
readonly id = 'change-count-action';
constructor(readonly count: number) {}
type AllActions = ChangeCountAction; // for this example, one is all of them.
- Define any proposal that an action could create:
import { SAMProposalDefinition } from 'sam-typescript';
class ChangeCountProposal implements SAMProposalDefinition {
readonly id = 'change-count-proposal';
constructor(readonly count: number) {}
type AllProposals = ChangeCountProposal;
- Define a proposal creator
const createProposal = async ({action}) => {
switch ( {
case 'change-count-action':
return new ChangeCountProposal(action.count);
- Create a model mutator This will accept a previous model and proposal and mutate the model as necessary.
const presenter = ({ model, proposal }) => {
if ( === 'change-count-proposal' && proposal.count >= 0 && proposal.count <= COUNT_MAX) {
model.count = proposal.count;
return model;
- Create dynamic state evaluation based on the current model:
const stateDefinitions = () => [
state: { id: 'show-count' },
isState: ({ model }) => {
return model.count < COUNT_MAX;
state: { id: 'max-count' },
isState: ({ model }) => {
return model.count === COUNT_MAX;
- Finally instantiate the the SAM instance.
const COUNT_MAX = 10;
const sam = new SAM<SimpleCounterModel, AllActions, AllProposals, AllStates>({
model: {
count: 0,
actions: {
subscriptions: [{ afterNewState: ({model,state}) => console.log(model,state)}],
- Call 'execute' to call any action: This will start the loop and end up with state.
sam.execute({ action: new ChangeCountAction(model.count - 1) })
Here is an example with React:
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
// after setting up the above
const sam = new SAM<SimpleCounterModel, AllActions, AllProposals, AllStates>({
model: {
count: 0,
actions: {
subscriptions: [{ afterNewState: represent }], // change subscription to call represent instead of 'console.log'.
function represent({ model, state }: { model: SimpleCounterModel; state: AllStates }) {
let representation;
switch ( {
case 'show-count':
representation = (
<div>count is {model.count}</div>
<button onClick={() => sam.execute({ action: new ChangeCountAction(model.count + 1) })}>increase</button>
<button onClick={() => sam.execute({ action: new ChangeCountAction(model.count - 1) })}>decrease</button>
case 'max-count':
representation = (
<div>count has reached its max at: {model.count}</div>
<button onClick={() => sam.execute({ action: new ChangeCountAction(model.count - 1) })}>decrease</button>
const _exhaustiveCheck: never = state;
ReactDOM.render(representation, document.getElementById('root'));
For a slightly more complicated example, please see 'rocket-launcher.tsx' under the 'example' folder.