- index.html
- people.html
- photos.html
- publications.html
- etc.html
- contact.html
- style.css -- shared across all pages
- index.css
- people.css
- photos.css
- publications.css
- etc.css
- contact.css
- people.js -- script to list all papers from people.json
- photos.js -- script that pulls most recent 12 pics from vkclab's Instagram page
- instafeed.js -- pulls pic from Instagram; for more info, see official Instafeed.js page
- publications.js -- script to list all papers from publications.json
- etc.js -- script to list all papers from former.json (and possibly handle other content)
- people.json -- exported from the Google Spreadsheet "VKC Lab People (Web)"
- publications.json -- exported from the Google Spreadsheet "VKC Lab Publications (Web)"
- former.json -- exported from the Google Spreadsheet "Former VKC Lab People (Web)"
- photos of current and former lab members
- background pictures
- miscellaneous pictures
- logos in .pdf and .png form