During development of an animated webassembly feature a function that takes and returns a large typed array started failing occasionally with an error similar to:
index.ts:125 Error: The JSClosure has been already released by Swift side. The closure is created at
This repository reproduces that issue.
import Foundation
import JavaScriptKit
func reverseArray(bytes: [Float32]) -> [Float32] {
return [Float32](bytes.reversed())
let jsClosure = JSClosure { (input: [JSValue]) in
let bytes: [Float32] = try! JSValueDecoder().decode(from: input[0])
return reverseArray(bytes: bytes).jsValue
func main(_ i: Int32, _ j: Int32) -> Int32 {
JSObject.global.reverseFloat32Array = .object(jsClosure)
return 0
- Clone this repo
- Run
- Run
- designed for mac, might not work on your system - Run
yarn dev
A page with numbers similar to:
fps: 69.50
ok: 47%
FPS represents the fps of the resulting wasm execution
OK represents the number of times the wasm successfully executes
The console will be filling with errors
Substantial time was spent poking JSClosure.swift
This change "fixes" the issue by cloning the JSClosure.sharedClosures
dictionary. The key is present, the value is present, the memory address changes between several values, but the guard sometimes returns nil.
/// Returns true if the host function has been already released, otherwise false.
func _call_host_function_impl(
_ hostFuncRef: JavaScriptHostFuncRef,
_ argv: UnsafePointer<RawJSValue>, _ argc: Int32,
_ callbackFuncRef: JavaScriptObjectRef
) -> Bool {
// TODO: This is some sort of horrible hack due to some sort of horrible wasm thing
// Otherwise the sharedClone SOMETIMES fails
let sharedClone = Dictionary(uniqueKeysWithValues: zip(JSClosure.sharedClosures.keys, JSClosure.sharedClosures.values))
guard let (_, hostFunc) = sharedClone[hostFuncRef] else {
return true
let arguments = UnsafeBufferPointer(start: argv, count: Int(argc)).map(\.jsValue)
let result = hostFunc(arguments)
let callbackFuncRef = JSFunction(id: callbackFuncRef)
_ = callbackFuncRef(result)
return false