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Vladimir Mandic edited this page Apr 3, 2023 · 2 revisions

Running Human in a Docker container

This guide covers multiple scenarios:

  1. Run app using Human as a full environment inside container
  2. Run app using Human as NodeJS worker inside container
  3. Run Human for web inside container

Install Docker

For details see Docker Docs: Installation Guide

Example: Install Docker using official convenience script:

curl | sudo sh

Check Docker status installation:

sudo docker version
sudo docker info
sudo systemctl status containerd docker

Get list of running containers

docker ps

Get logs from a running container

docker logs containerID

Stop container

docker stop containerID

Go to shell inside container

docker exec -it containerID /bin/bash

1. Run Human full environment

  • To run human inside docker container,
    simply dockerize your application as usual
  • Note that if your app has a dependency on @vladmandic/human,
    all of human components will be installed by default and not just the library
    (for example, this includes copies of in /models and sources in /src)
  • It is strongly recommended to dockerize prodution mode only apps (npm install --production)
    to avoid installing all of human dev dependencies inside the container

2. Run Human as NodeJS worker

Minimize Dependnecies

To minimize size of a container dont install human as your app dependency
And avoid importing entire @vladmandic/human as usual:

// const Human = require('@vladmandic/human').default;

Instead import human library directly as only library is required inside docker container:

const Human = require('./human-dist/human.node.js').default;

Configure Docker

Create Docker recipe myapp.docker in your human project folder

  • Can use NodeJS 14 or 16
  • Minimal footprint as only /dist is actually required
  • Assumes user has NodeJS app myapp with its package.json
  • Modify workdir path as needed
  • Modify entry point as needed
FROM node:16
WORKDIR <path-to-myapp>
COPY package.json .
copy <myapp> .
RUN npm install
COPY node_modules/@vladmandic/human/dist ./human-dist
ENTRYPOINT node myapp/index.js
USER node

Build image

sudo docker build . --file myapp.docker --tag myapp

Run container

  • Maps models from host to a docker container so there is no need to copy it into each container
  • Modify path as needed

docker run -docker run -it --init --detach
--volume node_modules/@vladmandic/human/models:$PWD/models

3. Run Human for Web

Configure Docker

Create Docker recipe human-web.docker in your human project folder

  • Can use NodeJS 14 or 16
  • Default package is empty as human has no external dependencies
  • Minimal footprint as only /dist is actually required
  • As an example, copies default /demo web app to serve
  • Uses @vladmandic/build as web server
  • Modify workdir path as needed
FROM node:16
WORKDIR <path-to-myapp>
RUN npm init --yes
COPY build.json .
RUN npm install @vladmandic/build --no-fund
COPY dist ./dist
COPY demo ./demo
EXPOSE 10031
ENTRYPOINT node node_modules/@vladmandic/build/dist/build.js --profile serve
USER node

Build image

sudo docker build . --file human-web.docker --tag human-web

Run container

  • Maps models from host to a docker container so there is no need to copy it into each container
  • Maps human internal web server to external port 8001 so app can be accessed externally

docker run -docker run -it --init --detach --name human-web-instance
--publish 8001:10031
--volume node_modules/@vladmandic/human/models:$PWD/models

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