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x.crypto: add x.crypto.chacha20 stream cipher module (#20417)
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blackshirt committed Jan 7, 2024
1 parent 46a467f commit 66d222c
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Showing 7 changed files with 1,908 additions and 0 deletions.
34 changes: 34 additions & 0 deletions vlib/x/crypto/chacha20/
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
# module chacha20


Chacha20 (and XChacha20) stream cipher encryption algorithm in pure V.
Its mostly based on [RFC 8439]( and inspired by Go version of the same library.

module main
import encoding.hex
import x.crypto.chacha20
fn main() {
// example of random key
// you should make sure the key (and nonce) are random enough.
// The security guarantees of the ChaCha20 require that the same nonce
// value is never used twice with the same key.
key := hex.decode('bf32a829ebf86d23f6a32a74ef0333401e54a6b2900d35bfadef82c5d49da15f')!
nonce := hex.decode('a7d7cf3405631f25cc1054bd')!
input := 'Good of gambler'.bytes()
// encrypt and the decrypt back
output := chacha20.encrypt(key, nonce, input)!
input_back := chacha20.decrypt(key, nonce, output)!
// should true
assert input == input_back
349 changes: 349 additions & 0 deletions vlib/x/crypto/chacha20/chacha.v
@@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
// Copyright (c) 2024 blackshirt.
// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Chacha20 symetric key stream cipher encryption based on RFC 8439
module chacha20

import math
import crypto.cipher
import crypto.internal.subtle
import encoding.binary

// size of ChaCha20 key, ie 256 bits size, in bytes
pub const key_size = 32
// size of ietf ChaCha20 nonce, ie 96 bits size, in bytes
pub const nonce_size = 12
// size of extended ChaCha20 nonce, called XChaCha20, 192 bits
pub const x_nonce_size = 24
// internal block size ChaCha20 operates on, in bytes
const block_size = 64

// vfmt off

// four constants of ChaCha20 state.
const cc0 = u32(0x61707865) // expa
const cc1 = u32(0x3320646e) // nd 3
const cc2 = u32(0x79622d32) // 2-by
const cc3 = u32(0x6b206574) // te k

// Cipher represents ChaCha20 stream cipher instances.
struct Cipher {
// internal's of ChaCha20 states, ie, 16 of u32 words, 4 of ChaCha20 constants,
// 8 word (32 bytes) of keys, 3 word (24 bytes) of nonces and 1 word of counter
key [8]u32
nonce [3]u32
counter u32
overflow bool
// internal buffer for storing key stream results
block []u8 = []u8{len: chacha20.block_size}
// additional fields, follow the go version
precomp bool
p1 u32 p5 u32 p9 u32 p13 u32
p2 u32 p6 u32 p10 u32 p14 u32
p3 u32 p7 u32 p11 u32 p15 u32
// vfmt on

// new_cipher creates a new ChaCha20 stream cipher with the given 32 bytes key, a 12 or 24 bytes nonce.
// If 24 bytes of nonce was provided, the XChaCha20 construction will be used.
// It returns new ChaCha20 cipher instance or an error if key or nonce have any other length.
pub fn new_cipher(key []u8, nonce []u8) !&Cipher {
mut c := &Cipher{}
// we dont need reset on new cipher instance
c.do_rekey(key, nonce)!

return c

// encrypt encrypts plaintext bytes with ChaCha20 cipher instance with provided key and nonce.
// It was a thin wrapper around two supported nonce size, ChaCha20 with 96 bits
// and XChaCha20 with 192 bits nonce. Internally, encrypt start with 0's counter value.
// If you want more control, use Cipher instance and setup the counter by your self.
pub fn encrypt(key []u8, nonce []u8, plaintext []u8) ![]u8 {
return encrypt_with_counter(key, nonce, u32(0), plaintext)

// decrypt does reverse of encrypt operation by decrypting ciphertext with ChaCha20 cipher
// instance with provided key and nonce.
pub fn decrypt(key []u8, nonce []u8, ciphertext []u8) ![]u8 {
return encrypt_with_counter(key, nonce, u32(0), ciphertext)

// xor_key_stream xors each byte in the given slice in the src with a byte from the
// cipher's key stream. It fullfills `cipher.Stream` interface. It encrypts the plaintext message
// in src and stores the ciphertext result in dst in a single run of encryption.
// You must never use the same (key, nonce) pair more than once for encryption.
// This would void any confidentiality guarantees for the messages encrypted with the same nonce and key.
pub fn (mut c Cipher) xor_key_stream(mut dst []u8, src []u8) {
if src.len == 0 {
if dst.len < src.len {
panic('chacha20/chacha: dst buffer is to small')
if subtle.inexact_overlap(dst, src) {
panic('chacha20: invalid buffer overlap')
mut ciphertext := []u8{}

// ChaCha20's encryption mechanism is a relatively simple operation.
// for every block_sized block from src bytes, build ChaCha20 keystream block,
// then xor each byte in the block with keystresm block and then append xor-ed bytes
// to the output buffer. If there are remaining (trailing) partial bytes,
// generate one more keystream block, xors keystream block with partial bytes
// and append to the result.
// Let's process for multiple blocks
// number of blocks the src bytes should be split into
nr_blocks := src.len / chacha20.block_size
for i := 0; i < nr_blocks; i++ {
// generate ciphers keystream block, stored in c.block
// get current src block to be xor-ed
block := unsafe { src[i * chacha20.block_size..(i + 1) * chacha20.block_size] }

// xor current block of plaintext with keystream in c.block and store result in out
mut out := []u8{len: block.len}
n := cipher.xor_bytes(mut out, block, c.block)
assert n == c.block.len

// append current output to the ciphertext buffer
ciphertext << out
// process for partial block
if src.len % chacha20.block_size != 0 {
// get the remaining partial block
block := unsafe { src[nr_blocks * chacha20.block_size..] }
// xor block with keystream
mut out := []u8{len: block.len}
n := cipher.xor_bytes(mut out, block, c.block)
assert n == block.len

// make sure to take only remaining bytes
out = unsafe { out[0..src.len % chacha20.block_size] }

// append last output to the ciphertext buffer
ciphertext << out
// copy ciphertext message results to the dst buffer
n := copy(mut dst, ciphertext)
assert n == src.len

// free the resources taken by the Cipher `c`. Dont use cipher after .free call
pub fn (mut c Cipher) free() {
$if prealloc {
unsafe {

// reset quickly sets all Cipher's fields to default value
pub fn (mut c Cipher) reset() {
for i, _ in c.key {
c.key[i] = u32(0)
for j, _ in c.nonce {
c.nonce[j] = u32(0)
unsafe {

c.counter = u32(0)
c.overflow = false
c.precomp = false
c.p1 = u32(0)
c.p5 = u32(0)
c.p9 = u32(0)
c.p13 = u32(0)
c.p2 = u32(0)
c.p6 = u32(0)
c.p10 = u32(0)
c.p14 = u32(0)
c.p3 = u32(0)
c.p7 = u32(0)
c.p11 = u32(0)
c.p15 = u32(0)

// set_counter sets Cipher's counter
pub fn (mut c Cipher) set_counter(ctr u32) {
if ctr == math.max_u32 {
c.overflow = true
if c.overflow {
panic('counter would overflow')
c.counter = ctr

// rekey resets internal Cipher's state and reinitializes state with the provided key and nonce
pub fn (mut c Cipher) rekey(key []u8, nonce []u8) ! {
unsafe { c.reset() }
c.do_rekey(key, nonce)!

// do_rekey reinitializes ChaCha20 instance with the provided key and nonce.
fn (mut c Cipher) do_rekey(key []u8, nonce []u8) ! {
// check for correctness of key and nonce length
if key.len != chacha20.key_size {
return error('chacha20: bad key size provided ')
// check for nonce's length is 12 or 24
if nonce.len != chacha20.nonce_size && nonce.len != chacha20.x_nonce_size {
return error('chacha20: bad nonce size provided')
mut nonces := nonce.clone()
mut keys := key.clone()

// if nonce's length is 24 bytes, we derive a new key and nonce with xchacha20 function
// and supplied to setup process.
if nonces.len == chacha20.x_nonce_size {
keys = xchacha20(keys, nonces[0..16])!
mut cnonce := []u8{len: chacha20.nonce_size}
_ := copy(mut cnonce[4..12], nonces[16..24])
nonces = cnonce.clone()
} else if nonces.len != chacha20.nonce_size {
return error('chacha20: wrong nonce size')

// bounds check elimination hint
_ = keys[chacha20.key_size - 1]
_ = nonces[chacha20.nonce_size - 1]

// setup ChaCha20 cipher key
c.key[0] = binary.little_endian_u32(keys[0..4])
c.key[1] = binary.little_endian_u32(keys[4..8])
c.key[2] = binary.little_endian_u32(keys[8..12])
c.key[3] = binary.little_endian_u32(keys[12..16])
c.key[4] = binary.little_endian_u32(keys[16..20])
c.key[5] = binary.little_endian_u32(keys[20..24])
c.key[6] = binary.little_endian_u32(keys[24..28])
c.key[7] = binary.little_endian_u32(keys[28..32])

// setup ChaCha20 cipher nonce
c.nonce[0] = binary.little_endian_u32(nonces[0..4])
c.nonce[1] = binary.little_endian_u32(nonces[4..8])
c.nonce[2] = binary.little_endian_u32(nonces[8..12])

// chacha20_block transforms a ChaCha20 state by running
// multiple quarter rounds.
// see
fn (mut c Cipher) chacha20_block() {
// initializes ChaCha20 state
// 0:cccccccc 1:cccccccc 2:cccccccc 3:cccccccc
// 4:kkkkkkkk 5:kkkkkkkk 6:kkkkkkkk 7:kkkkkkkk
// 8:kkkkkkkk 9:kkkkkkkk 10:kkkkkkkk 11:kkkkkkkk
// 12:bbbbbbbb 13:nnnnnnnn 14:nnnnnnnn 15:nnnnnnnn
// where c=constant k=key b=blockcounter n=nonce
c0, c1, c2, c3 := chacha20.cc0, chacha20.cc1, chacha20.cc2, chacha20.cc3
c4 := c.key[0]
c5 := c.key[1]
c6 := c.key[2]
c7 := c.key[3]
c8 := c.key[4]
c9 := c.key[5]
c10 := c.key[6]
c11 := c.key[7]

_ := c.counter
c13 := c.nonce[0]
c14 := c.nonce[1]
c15 := c.nonce[2]

// precomputes three first column rounds that do not depend on counter
if !c.precomp {
c.p1, c.p5, c.p9, c.p13 = quarter_round(c1, c5, c9, c13)
c.p2, c.p6, c.p10, c.p14 = quarter_round(c2, c6, c10, c14)
c.p3, c.p7, c.p11, c.p15 = quarter_round(c3, c7, c11, c15)
c.precomp = true
// remaining first column round
fcr0, fcr4, fcr8, fcr12 := quarter_round(c0, c4, c8, c.counter)

// The second diagonal round.
mut x0, mut x5, mut x10, mut x15 := quarter_round(fcr0, c.p5, c.p10, c.p15)
mut x1, mut x6, mut x11, mut x12 := quarter_round(c.p1, c.p6, c.p11, fcr12)
mut x2, mut x7, mut x8, mut x13 := quarter_round(c.p2, c.p7, fcr8, c.p13)
mut x3, mut x4, mut x9, mut x14 := quarter_round(c.p3, fcr4, c.p9, c.p14)

// The remaining 18 rounds.
for i := 0; i < 9; i++ {
// Column round.
x0, x4, x8, x12 = quarter_round(x0, x4, x8, x12)
x1, x5, x9, x13 = quarter_round(x1, x5, x9, x13)
x2, x6, x10, x14 = quarter_round(x2, x6, x10, x14)
x3, x7, x11, x15 = quarter_round(x3, x7, x11, x15)

// Diagonal round.
x0, x5, x10, x15 = quarter_round(x0, x5, x10, x15)
x1, x6, x11, x12 = quarter_round(x1, x6, x11, x12)
x2, x7, x8, x13 = quarter_round(x2, x7, x8, x13)
x3, x4, x9, x14 = quarter_round(x3, x4, x9, x14)

// add back to initial state and stores to dst
x0 += c0
x1 += c1
x2 += c2
x3 += c3
x4 += c4
x5 += c5
x6 += c6
x7 += c7
x8 += c8
x9 += c9
x10 += c10
x11 += c11
// x12 is Cipher.counter
x12 += c.counter
x13 += c13
x14 += c14
x15 += c15

binary.little_endian_put_u32(mut c.block[0..4], x0)
binary.little_endian_put_u32(mut c.block[4..8], x1)
binary.little_endian_put_u32(mut c.block[8..12], x2)
binary.little_endian_put_u32(mut c.block[12..16], x3)
binary.little_endian_put_u32(mut c.block[16..20], x4)
binary.little_endian_put_u32(mut c.block[20..24], x5)
binary.little_endian_put_u32(mut c.block[24..28], x6)
binary.little_endian_put_u32(mut c.block[28..32], x7)
binary.little_endian_put_u32(mut c.block[32..36], x8)
binary.little_endian_put_u32(mut c.block[36..40], x9)
binary.little_endian_put_u32(mut c.block[40..44], x10)
binary.little_endian_put_u32(mut c.block[44..48], x11)
binary.little_endian_put_u32(mut c.block[48..52], x12)
binary.little_endian_put_u32(mut c.block[52..56], x13)
binary.little_endian_put_u32(mut c.block[56..60], x14)
binary.little_endian_put_u32(mut c.block[60..64], x15)

// generic_key_stream creates generic ChaCha20 keystream block and stores the result in Cipher.block
fn (mut c Cipher) generic_key_stream() {
// creates ChaCha20 block stream
// updates counter and checks for overflow
ctr := u64(c.counter) + u64(1)
if ctr == math.max_u32 {
c.overflow = true
if c.overflow || ctr > math.max_u32 {
panic('counter overflow')
c.counter += 1

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