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builtin: add a string.u8_array() method (#20736)
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kbkpbot committed Feb 6, 2024
1 parent e6570dd commit 7fd1b16
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Showing 2 changed files with 99 additions and 0 deletions.
53 changes: 53 additions & 0 deletions vlib/builtin/string.v
Expand Up @@ -613,6 +613,59 @@ pub fn (s string) u8() u8 {
return u8(strconv.common_parse_uint(s, 0, 8, false, false) or { 0 })

// u8_array returns the value of the hex/bin string as u8 array.
// hex string example: `'0x11223344ee'.u8_array() == [u8(0x11),0x22,0x33,0x44,0xee]`.
// bin string example: `'0b1101_1101'.u8_array() == [u8(0xdd)]`.
// underscore in the string will be stripped.
pub fn (s string) u8_array() []u8 {
// strip underscore in the string
mut tmps := s.replace('_', '')
if tmps.len == 0 {
return []u8{}
tmps = tmps.to_lower()
if tmps.starts_with('0x') {
tmps = tmps[2..]
if tmps.len == 0 {
return []u8{}
// make sure every digit is valid hex digit
if !tmps.contains_only('0123456789abcdef') {
return []u8{}
// make sure tmps has even hex digits
if tmps.len % 2 == 1 {
tmps = '0' + tmps

mut ret := []u8{len: tmps.len / 2}
for i in 0 .. ret.len {
ret[i] = u8(tmps[2 * i..2 * i + 2].parse_uint(16, 8) or { 0 })
return ret
} else if tmps.starts_with('0b') {
tmps = tmps[2..]
if tmps.len == 0 {
return []u8{}
// make sure every digit is valid binary digit
if !tmps.contains_only('01') {
return []u8{}
// make sure tmps has multiple of 8 binary digits
if tmps.len % 8 != 0 {
tmps = '0'.repeat(8 - tmps.len % 8) + tmps

mut ret := []u8{len: tmps.len / 8}
for i in 0 .. ret.len {
ret[i] = u8(tmps[8 * i..8 * i + 8].parse_uint(2, 8) or { 0 })
return ret
return []u8{}

// u16 returns the value of the string as u16 `'1'.u16() == u16(1)`.
pub fn (s string) u16() u16 {
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46 changes: 46 additions & 0 deletions vlib/builtin/string_test.v
Expand Up @@ -811,6 +811,52 @@ fn test_to_num() {
assert big.i64() == 93993993939322

fn test_to_u8_array() {
// empty string
assert ''.u8_array() == []
assert '0x'.u8_array() == []
assert '0X'.u8_array() == []
assert '0b'.u8_array() == []
assert '0B'.u8_array() == []
// invalid digit
assert '-123'.u8_array() == []
assert '1_2xt'.u8_array() == []
assert 'd1_2xt'.u8_array() == []

// ---------------------------------
// hex test
// invalid hex digit
assert '0X-123'.u8_array() == []
assert '0O12'.u8_array() == []
// odd number of digits
assert '0x1'.u8_array() == [u8(0x01)]
assert '0x123'.u8_array() == [u8(0x01), 0x23]
assert '0x1_23'.u8_array() == [u8(0x01), 0x23]

// long digits
long_u8 := [u8(0x00), 0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44, 0x55, 0x66, 0x77, 0x88, 0x99, 0xaa, 0xbb, 0xcc,
0xdd, 0xee, 0xff]
assert '0x00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff'.u8_array() == long_u8
assert '0x00_112_2334455667788_99aabbccddeeff'.u8_array() == long_u8
assert '0x00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF'.u8_array() == long_u8
assert '0x001_12233445566778899A_ABBCCDDEEFF'.u8_array() == long_u8

// ---------------------------------
// bin test
// invalid bin digit
assert '0b-123'.u8_array() == []
assert '0B12'.u8_array() == []
// not enough length
assert '0b0'.u8_array() == [u8(0x00)]
assert '0b1'.u8_array() == [u8(0x01)]
assert '0b101'.u8_array() == [u8(0x05)]
assert '0b0101'.u8_array() == [u8(0x05)]
// long digits
assert '0b0101_0101'.u8_array() == [u8(0x55)]
assert '0b0101010110101010'.u8_array() == [u8(0x55), 0xaa]
assert '0b0101010110101010_0101010110101010'.u8_array() == [u8(0x55), 0xaa, 0x55, 0xaa]

fn test_inter_format_string() {
float_num := 1.52345
float_num_string := '-${float_num:.3f}-'
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