Guide Tree Merger - a tool for merging disjoint trees.
GTM requires
- Python 3
- dendropy Python package
Please navigate to the "example" directory to get started.
GTM's commandline arguments are as follows:
-s specifies the path to the guide tree (AKA starting tree)
-t specifies the list of subtrees being merged
-o specifies the path to the output tree
We can run our example merge with the following command, which will save the result as gtm_tree.tre:
python3 ../ -s guide_tree.tre -t subtrees/subset_tree_0.tre subtrees/subset_tree_1.tre subtrees/subset_tree_10.tre subtrees/subset_tree_11.tre subtrees/subset_tree_12.tre subtrees/subset_tree_13.tre subtrees/subset_tree_2.tre subtrees/subset_tree_3.tre subtrees/subset_tree_4.tre subtrees/subset_tree_5.tre subtrees/subset_tree_6.tre subtrees/subset_tree_7.tre subtrees/subset_tree_8.tre subtrees/subset_tree_9.tre -o gtm_tree.tre
- dendropy's memory usage starts to become excessive when approaching one million taxa. Future work will optimize GTM to deal with this.