- Access Artefak Drive from this
- Make duplicate to your drive and access it
- Run file based on your device
- Install all the required libraries (all imported libraries may not be available on your device or cloud that you are using for)
- GPU [Model-Train-GPU2.ipynb]
- CPU [Model-Train-CPU.ipynb]
- Access Artefak Drive from this
- Make duplicate to your drive and access it
- Run file based on your device
- Install all the required libraries (all imported libraries may not be available on your device or cloud that you are using for)
- Testing [Testing Model.ipynb]
- Access Artefak Drive from this
- Make duplicate to your drive and access it
- Run file based on your device
- Install all the required libraries (all imported libraries may not be available on your device or cloud that you are using for)
- Serving [Serving_Backend.ipynb]
- Clone repository from this
- Install Vercel on this
- Setup Configuration and Create Repository on vercel from this
- Setup Env
- vercel env rm REACT_APP_API_URL
- vercel env add
what's the name of variable? REACT_APP_API_URL
What’s the value of REACT_APP_API_URL? 'link ngrok yang baru di dapat' - tambahai /predict
- vercel --prod
Ressource | Link |
Google Drive | link |
Deploy | link |
VERCEL CLI | link |
VERCEL DOCS | link |
Free Software, Hell Yeah!