OpenCobolIDE is a simple and lightweight cobol IDE based on the OpenCobol compiler.
The software is written in Python using PyQt4 and pyQode
- syntax highlighting
- code completion
- code folding
- navigable tree view of division, sections, paragraphs etc.
- calculates the offsets of selected record definitions
- compile as program (.exe) or as subprogram (.so)
- run the program from the editor
- also open text files
- cross platform: work on GNU/Linux and Windows
OpenCobolIDE is released under the GPL version 3
There is now a PPA for Ubuntu and derivatives:
$ sudo apt-add-repositiory ppa:open-cobol-ide/stable $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install open-cobol-ide
Run the following commands:
sudo apt-get install python-qt open-cobol sudo easy_install OpenCobolIDE
There is a windows installer available here:
The project depends on the following packages:
- Python ( >= 2.7 or >= 3.2)
- setuptools
- PyQt4
- OpenCobol
- pyqode.core
- pyqode.widgets
- Pygments >= 1.6
- chardet (chardet2 if you are using python3)
- qdarkstyle
I am by no way a cobol expert, I just had to work on a cobol project at school with an awful IDE (NetExpress on a Windows Xp virtual machine). As I was writing pyqode, I thought it would be nice to use it to make a simple cobol editor for GNU/Linux.
I've only learnt COBOL 74 and the IDE has been designed with this standard in mind. I don't plan to work with cobol at the moment nor to learn a new standard but if you found a missing feature, feel free to open a feature request. I'm always looking forward to make OpenCobolIDE better for the experts.
Your advice will be very appreciated!
- Home page:
- Editor:
- Offset calculator
- Dark style support (based on qdarkstyle style sheet)