Hi! This project is a metaheuristics program for the set covering problem.
- setcovering-core (algorithms)
- setcovering-analysis (uml)
- setcovering-tests (python + rapport) TO DO
- setcovering-report (latex) TO DO
- Trouver articles de recherche (+ les lire... ) [5/5] DONE
- Présentation des articles DONE
- Algorithme randomisé + résultats
- Description du problème (énoncé, définition mathématique, applications, intérêt...) DONE
- Description des instances
- Idées pour implémentations
- Alberto Caprara, Paolo Toth, and Matteo Fischetti. Algorithms for the set covering problem. 98(1) :353–371. [LU]
- Rong-Long Wang and Kozo Okazaki. An improved genetic algorithm with conditional genetic operators and its application to set-covering problem. 11(7) :687–694.[LU]
- Zhi-Gang Ren, Zu-Ren Feng, Liang-Jun Ke, and Zhao-Jun Zhang. New ideas for applying ant colony optimization to the set covering problem. 58(4) :774–784. [LU]
- Marco Caserta. Tabu search-based metaheuristic algorithm for large-scale set covering problems. In KarlF. Doerner, Michel Gendreau, Peter Greistorfer, Walter Gutjahr, RichardF. Hartl, and Marc Reimann, editors, Metaheuristics, volume 39 of Operations Research/Computer Science Interfaces Series, pages 43–63. Springer US. [LU]
- Broderick Crawford, Ricardo Soto, Eric Monfoy, Fernando Paredes, and Wenceslao Palma. A hybrid ant algorithm for the set covering problem. 6(19) :4667–4673 [LU = NUL]