Implementation of DES algorithm in golang.
DES uses 64-bits block to processing the encryption. So you can't run go-DES on a 32-bits architecture.
$ go build -o go-des ./cmd/main.go
$ go-DES -e "I am a message to encrypt": Will encrypt the message in binary
$ go-DES -e -b "I am a message to encrypt": Will encrypt the message in binary
$ go-DES -e -h "I am a message to encrypt": Will encrypt the message in hexadecimal
$ go-DES -e -b64 "I am a message to encrypt": Will encrypt the message in base64
$ go-DES -d -h "762336c2b5360cc38751": Will decrypt the hexadecimal message
- --help: Print this helper
- -e: Encrypt a message
- -d: Decrypt a message
- -h: Use hexadecimal
- -b64: Use base64
- -b: Use binary
After entering the command you will be asked to enter an encryption/decryption key. Key lenght must be between 1 and 8 bytes (8 to 64 bits).
The DES algorithm in-use here is describe here: french, english