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Nikos Vasilakis edited this page Nov 10, 2015 · 1 revision

The Decentralized Control Plane

Welcome! This document (still a work-in-progress, really) will teach you about DCP (the Decentralized Control Plane). A common joke within various groups is that nobody can summarize what DCP is in just one sentence -- well, here it is then:

DCP is a developer-centric framework and associated programming model for building massively distributed, configurable applications.

What does this mean? The first part --framework-- means that DCP bundles together solutions to a number of common problems that arise when building distributed applications. For instance, it provides persistence, replication, availability, consistency, parallelism, and a number of other features -- all while allowing the flexibility of tuning the guarantees of different components (hence, the configurable). That is, DCP allows different services (running together) to place themselves at different points in the space described by the CAP theorem (if this does not make much sense, do not worry too much, just keep reading).

The second part --progamming model-- means that, to take full advantage of the framework, developers will need to express their computation using specific abstractions that the framework provides (e.g., Services, Documents). Put differently, the model is opinionated in the sense that, by having the developer express computation in a certain way, it frees them from having to worry about distribution at scale.

Both the framework and programming model are not tied to a particular language. Currently our implementation and discussion is focused on Java; we have a less feature-rich implementation in Go; and expect other implementations to follow (e.g., JavaScript).

The rest of this document is organized as follows: (i) a 5,000-ft view of DCP, (ii) building an example service (the echo service), (iii) the anatomy of a request, (iv) a deeper look (e.g., verbs, options), (v) the core services (v)implementation details, (vi) possibly interesting results (e.g., performance, tweaking)

A whirlwind tour of DCP

In this section we want to align some of the terminology and take a look at some of DCP's main building blocks.

Users take advantage of DCP by building micro-services (or just services). In the DCP model, services come cheap, and constitute the basic blocks for building applications: a complex distributed application comprises of a number of services that interact with each other via HTTP. One could possibly think of services in similar fashion to threads or processes in conventional applications, and the way they interact with each other -- of course DCP services and conventional execution abstractions have many more differences than commonalities.

Generally, a service is a purely functional control logic and comes with a URI other services or users can poke to interact with, using conventional HTTP verbs. A service might include state (we then call it statefull), or not (statelss), it might persist state to durable storage or not, it might.. -- well, you get the idea. The important bit is that for all these services, DCP takes care of replication, routing, availability, forwarding and many other features, transparently to the service builder. The user (you, dear reader!) just needs to

Concretely, for each service there is a service factory (factory) that allows users to create an unlimited number of service instances (instances). The factory instantiates the service (we will see what this means), and instances are the live entities the user interacts with. Factories are an example of stateless services -- they don't maintain any state, but just respond to specific requests that arrive by creating new, deleting or somehow manipulating instance services.

To make things more concrete, suppose we want to create a minimal echo service that when poked, it returns whatever was inserted latest. How would this work? Well, details aside (what follows is almost pseudocode), sending a POST request with a state object s would update the state's latest version to s. A subsequent GET would return s, as well as some metadata (e.g. version number etc.):

PUT http://localhost:1234/echoes/aTinyEchoService '{"message": "a new message"}'

200 OK

GET http://localhost:1234/echoes/aTinyEchoService 

200 OK {"message": "a new message"}

To expand on the previous discussion, The factory would listen on the URL /echoes, and sending a HTTP POST on this would create an instance, say /echoes/one. Now sending an HTTP PUT on echoes/one would store a message, whereas sending an HTTP GET echoes/one would return the lastly stored message. Of course, interacting with echo instance one is completely independent of interacting with, say, two or three. So far we haven't talked about distribution, naming, persistence, state type etc. but we will cover them soon -- we just want to build our intuition.

To summarize, services comprise of:

  • some state (e.g., "message")
  • a url (e.g., echoes/one)
  • a control logic (e.g., on a GET just read contents of state)

To start them, one needs to interact with their factory.

But what do we mean by state? DCP uses documents, or PODOs (Plain Old Data Object), to store state. These are objects that have no methods and get serialized directly to JSON for data interchange. In the above example, the typed version would be something like String message, while the JSON response from a GET would look like

  "message": "This is a message"

(omiting DCP-related metadata, such as document version etc.).

DCP currently takes advantage of Lucene, a battle-tested, state-of-the art indexing and storage engine; but it is by no means attached to this particular document indexing and storage engine. All per-node operations are offloaded to this engine, that provides highly-optimized document actions. For instance, state can be written to durable storage, including all versions and queried using associative, complex queries on document metadata.

The URL (also referred to as selfLink) is how one refers to a service. In terms of naming, the convention for factory services is to get assigned a plural form. As clients interact with the factory to create instances, they can pass a name to the factory, which, if not assigned already, will be the name of the new instance. If it is already taken, an error code will be sent back, and if the client does not specify a name, a random 128-bit hash is chosen. For example, in the case of the echo factory described earlier, the URL would be something along the lines of:

Then two possible instances (the second explicitely named upon creation)

The control logic is expressed implementing handlers to a subset of the HTTP verbs (GET, POST and HEAD from the HTTP/1.0 specification; PUT, DELETE from HTTP/1.1; and PATCH from RFC 5789). In the case of a stateful service, the handler may consult the state or assign new state to it. Typically, services try to maintain the DCP-augmented semantics of these verbs (described in detail later). If a particular handler is not specified for a service, then the default handler is invoked.

TODO: Explain HOST TODO: Descibe verbs, since they are used later on

A note on programming style: developers on DCP write code in a completely asynchronous, non-blocking style. This stems from the fact that operations in DCP are not aware of whether they are communicating with a local or remote resource, so they maintain the same feel for both. Typically, when invoking an action, instead of waiting for completion, we pass a function (frequently completely anonymous or lambda) that will be invoked when our action completes. This leads to a series of nested callbacks that called one after the other, while our main code (or each function in the pipeline) returns immediately.

Getting Started with DCP

Some of these can be part of the Appendix


Installation details


Hello DCP!

Let's turn our previous example into code (you can follow with your IDE from the samples directory of DCP). Although very simple, this service will let us expose and further explore many of the core concepts behind DCP. To have a minimum service, we would need to implement the following (not necessarily in this order):

Echo Service

This is implementation of the service instance -- including state and logic.

The state is encapsulated in EchoServiceState, extending the base document -- ServiceDocument. The base document class provides extra fields (e.g., selfLink, version, owner) and core methods (e.g., cloning, deltas). The Document for the echo service consists of only a message of type String.

public static class EchoServiceState extends ServiceDocument {
    public String message;

In terms of logic, the service itself extends the StatefullService. This comes with a number of features, including default handlers for a number of operations (e.g., PUT, GET) -- which, hapilly, we don't need to augment: PUT updates the state, GET returns such a state. Therefore, we only implement the constructure, which registers this particular state type with our service.

public class SampleSimpleEchoService extends StatefulService {
    public SampleSimpleEchoService() {

Notably, at this point we can toggle various options options in the constructor (e.g., replication, ownership, persistence), which we will see soon.

We also need to create the factory that will take care of spawning service instances of this particular type. Stemming from FactoryService (which again provides useful defaults), it requires overriding the method that creates instances (so that it calls our service). Also, this is where we pick the selfLink for the factory -- for instance, the factory service could be listening on http://localhost:1234/samples/echoes/. Our constructor again needs to register the state type.

public class SampleSimpleEchoFactoryService extends FactoryService {
    public static final String SELF_LINK = ServiceUriPaths.SAMPLES + "/echoes";
    public SampleSimpleEchoFactoryService() {
    public Service createServiceInstance() throws Throwable {
        return new SampleSimpleEchoService();

TODO: Explain Host

Let's start playing with the service a little bit. After we launch the host

show what happens with json

Ramping Up

Echo previous and dcpc

Further Explorations

Other examples, views, queries -- where to look for

The Anatomy of a Request

A Deeper Technical Overview

Core Services


One of the most interesting features in DCP is the ability to do queries. It features a very powerful query calculus (e.g., hierarchical queries, fuzzy searches, proximity and ranges) backed up by Lucene, with queries running across multiple nodes and the whole state of the system (including higher-order properties of documents). Queries can target a particular node group (i.e., subset of the deployment) and results can be handled in a number of different ways:

  • conventionally-asynchronous: as discussed previously, results are handled in the request callback function.
  • fully-asynchronous: one request can sends the query specification, prompting launch (and returning a selflink), and a later request reads the results
  • continuous: queries never end, but populate results in an event-driven fashion, even as new documents and state updates land into the system

Queries can request pagination --i.e., dividing the results into pages, and requesting particular pages-- or full expansion --where, instead of serlf_links full documents are returned. They are submitted to the /core/query-task service, which is responsible for analyzing, broadcasting and executing the query (using other services, too), and composing the results. /core/local-query-tasks are node-local (i.e., not load-balanced or replicated) allowing concurrent execution across different nodes.

Queries are driven by a query specification:

// write a simple query and send it to the query-task service

Launching the query is simply done by posting to the query service. Note the action of POST: the semantics of the operation express that a new task instance is created /core/query-task/new-task-id which might complete immediately, take a couple of days or never finish (i.e., continuous). Before we dive into more complex queries, the table below outlines different options of how the queries are executed.

The User Interface

Implementation Details

Performance Results

  • size / consumption of services (idle, heavy; statefull, stateless)
  • requests
  • self-hosting statistics


  • talk about the document abstraction as a ubiquitous enabler


Dump space for notes on the book itself.

TODO: Add pictures pictures pictures! TODO: Explain CAP theorem (pictures) and give a tiny bit of technical overview

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