- 2019 ICLR, Cheng-Zhi Anna Huang, Google Brain
- Re-producer : Jason Yang ( Yang-Kichang )
- paper link
- paper review
- This Repository is perfectly cometible with tensorflow 2.0
Domain: Dramatically reduces the memory footprint, allowing it to scale to musical sequences on the order of minutes.
Algorithm: Reduced space complexity of Transformer from O(N^2D) to O(ND).
In this repository using single track method (2nd method in paper.).
If you want to get implementation of method 1, see here .
I refered preprocess code from performaceRNN re-built repository.. -
Preprocess implementation repository is here.
- learning rate : 0.0001
- head size : 4
- number of layers : 6
- seqence length : 2048
- embedding dim : 256 (dh = 256 / 4 = 64)
- batch size : 3
- mt.generate() can generate music automatically.
from models import MusicTransformer
mt = MusicTransformer(
embedding_dim=256, vocab_size=par.vocab_size,
mt.generate(prior=[1,3,4,5], length=2048)
you can't use tf.keras
directly in alpha ver. So you should import from tensorflow.python import keras
,then use > keras.{METHODS}
example :
from tensorflow.python import keras dropout = keras.layers.Dropout(0.3)
tf-2.0alpha currently not supported keras.optimizers as version 2. so, you can't use optimizer.apply_gradients(). So, you should import from tensorflow.python.keras.optimizer_v2.adam import Adam
from tensorflow.python.keras.optimizer_v2.adam import Adam optimizer = Adam(0.0001)
current tf 2.0(alpha) , subclassed keras model can't use method save(), summary(), fit() and save_weigths() with .h5 format