Header only, easy to use Parser combinator library on C++.
Released version 0.2.1
This code parses a sequence of dash-separated digits
#include <parsecpp.hpp>
using namespace parsecpp;
using namespace parsecpp::common;
using Input = parsecpp::input::StringInput::Iterator;
const Parser<char, Input> *digit = PredicateMapper<Input>::map([](char c) { return std::isdigit(c); });
const Parser<char, Input> *dash = new CharParser<Input>('-');
const Parser<std::vector<char>, Input> *digits = Alternative<Input>::some(digit);
const Parser<int, Input> *number = Functor<Input>::map([](const std::vector<char> &v) {
return std::atoi(std::string(v.begin(), v.end()).c_str());
}, digits);
const Parser<std::vector<int>, Input> *dashSeparated = Alternative<Input>::stepBy1(number, dash);
auto parser = new Container<std::vector<int>, Input, types::DestructingContainer>(dashSeparated,
new types::DestructingContainer({
types::dwrap(digit), types::dwrap(dash), types::dwrap(digits),
types::dwrap(number), types::dwrap(dashSeparated)
parsecpp::input::StringInput input("10-12-24-23-324124-123-2");
auto result = parser->execute(input.begin());
if (*result)
std::cout << result->value() << std::endl;
delete parser; // Automatically deletes nested parser, because it placed in container.
For use include <parsecpp.hpp>
Build and run tests. Requires catch2.
cd build/
cmake --build .
ctest .