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multiespresso class

Johannes Voss edited this page Sep 3, 2013 · 1 revision

Class multiespresso

Special calculator running multiple espresso calculators in parallel. Useful for e.g. nudged elastic band calculations.

Instance Methods
__init__(self, ncalc=1, outdirprefix='out', mtxt='multilog.txt', **kwargs)
In addition to the parameters of a standard espresso calculator, the number ncalc (default 1) of espresso calculators to be spawned should be specified.
set_images(self, images)
set_neb(self, neb)
Method Details

__init__(self, ncalc=1, outdirprefix='out', mtxt='multilog.txt', **kwargs)


In addition to the parameters of a standard espresso calculator, the number ncalc (default 1) of espresso calculators to be spawned should be specified. outdirprefix (default 'out') and mtxt (default 'multilog.txt') are optional.