This module contains various tools, helpers and guidelines serving to ease/automate the development of Vostok .NET libraries:
- Library development conventions to govern dev and CI processes (also for source-only libs).
- Checklist for developers creating new libraries.
- Checklist for developers building existing libraries.
- Checklist for developers releasing new library versions.
- Checklist for developers creating clients for HTTP microservices.
- Launchpad tool to ease bootstrapping of new repositories.
- Launchpad template for Vostok ordinary libraries
- Launchpad template for Vostok source libraries
- C# code style to keep the code clean and homogeneous.
- GitCommit2AssemblyTitle build target to enrich assemblies with Git info.
- dotnetcementrefs CLI tool for .NET Core 2.1 to convert Cement references into NuGet package references.
- dotnetversionsuffix CLI tool for .NET Core 2.1 to patch project versions during CI.
- configure-await-false CLI tool for .NET Core 2.1 to verify that awaits in library code are configured.
- publicize.roslyn build target to publicize types in source libraries.
- vostok-release tool to release Vostok library updates.