Simple CMS solution to view and modify basic employee data for an organization.
This application utilizes Node.js and MySQL to allow a user to create and modify information about employees within a particular organization. By answering questions in the command line, the user can add new departments, roles, and employees, as well as view departments, roles, and employees. If desired, the user can also update a particular employee's role. To create this application, I used Node.js, MySQL, inquirer, and additional npm packages as needed.
This application was challenging for me to create. I learned a lot about syntax in MySQL to ensure that each query would not result in any errors. I also learned how to use functions for choices in inquirer rather than using simple arrays. Overall, I grew a lot from developing this application.
I see many opportunities for future development for this project, including:
- Adding more opportunities for deletion
- Adding more opportunities for updating data
- Adding more queries to view a subset of departments/roles/employees
I am excited to continue to implement what I have learned in future projects.
- Node.js
- Express.js
- Sequelize
- Inquirer
For this application to run correctly, run npm init -y
in the working directory of your choice. Next, install the relevant dependencies by running npm i
. Alternatively, you can install the dependencies one at a time.
Please note that it may take a few minutes for all dependencies to download on your local machine.
To start the application from the command line after installations have been complete, run the seed.sql file in MySQL Workbench and then run node index.js
This application can be used to create and modify an employee database. A video detailing how the application is intended to be used can be found here:
The application's main menu, as seen in the command line:
Viewing all departments:
Viewing all employees:
This project has not yet been licensed, and thus, standard copyright laws apply.
Valerie Russell is the sole contributor to this project.
No tests have been designed for this project.
If you have any questions about this application my GitHub username is vruss14 and you can view my GitHub profile at
If you have additional questions, feel free to reach out to me at