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JimiC edited this page Jun 2, 2018 · 4 revisions

Building the extension via Docker

Make sure that you have Docker installed.


First, get the latest docker image.

docker pull vscodeicons/vsi

Now you can either build or develop the project.

Building the project

Run the image.

docker run --rm -it -e task=dist -v <your-host-path-here>:/vsi-out vscodeicons/vsi


  • We are using a volume to have access to the artifact in our host ( '<your-host-path-here>' can be a path like '~/vscode-icons', which will create a 'vscode-icons' directory in your user directory.

  • By using the --rm flag, we are telling docker to automatically remove the container when it is done.

Developing the project

Run the image.

docker run -it -e task=build vscodeicons/vsi sh

Notice, that now you are inside the container, right at a command prompt, ready to do your stuff.

Building a published version (tag)

The purpose of this image is to be run and get the artifact from building the extension at a specific published version (tag).

This image was created to make it easier to consume the latest published version (tag) of icon.json file, in order to build the amazing github-vscode-icons extension by @dderevjanik.

How to

First, get the tagged docker image.

docker pull vscodeicons/vsi:<tag>


Where <tag> is a published version (tag) of the extension. All available tags can be found at the Docker repository.

Now, run the image as you would do when building the project.

Cleaning volumes

If you want to clean the stale volumes you can run the following.

docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -qf dangling=true)