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Jimi (Dimitris) Charalampidis edited this page Oct 23, 2019 · 4 revisions

Project Auto-Detection

Note: For large projects, local or remote, it's HIGHLY recommended to disable this feature.

With the introduction of the project-specific icons toggling feature, we also introduced the project auto-detection feature, which will automatically detect what type of project you have opened in your workspace and prompt you to toggle the icons accordingly.

You will be presented with four choices:

  • Restart: Will apply the changes and restart your workspace.
  • Auto-Restart: Will always automatically apply the changes and restart your workspace. You will not be prompt again.
  • Disable Detection: Disables project auto-detection. You will not be prompt again.
  • Close: Cancels your action.

There are two different projectDetection settings associated with this feature, that modify your settings at the User Level:

  • vsicons.projectDetection.autoReload (false by default)
  • vsicons.projectDetection.disableDetect (false by default)