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Roberto Huertas edited this page Oct 13, 2018 · 3 revisions


There are several different presets:

  • vsicons.presets.angular (false by default)
  • vsicons.presets.jsOfficial (false by default)
  • vsicons.presets.tsOfficial (false by default)
  • vsicons.presets.jsonOfficial (false by default)
  • vsicons.presets.hideFolders (false by default)
  • vsicons.presets.foldersAllDefaultIcon (false by default)
  • vsicons.presets.hideExplorerArrows (false by default)

These presets can be changed manually by using a settings.json file inside your project's .vscode folder or by changing vscode user settings. Take into account that the place where you set these presets, or for that matter, any configuration, will be very important. User settings are global so all your projects will be affected by them while workspace's settings are specific to the project and you will be able to switch presets by project. This can be interesting for the angular preset, for example.

These presets can also be automatically set by leveraging a new set of commands that can be found by pressing F1 and then writing down icons. You will be presented with some new commands:

  • Toggle Angular Preset (Workspace Level): This command will enable/disable the Angular icons.
  • Toggle Official JS Preset (User Level): This command will enable/disable the Official JS icon.
  • Toggle Official TS Preset (User Level): This command will enable/disable the Official TS icon.
  • Toggle Official JSON Preset (User Level): This command will enable/disable the Official JSON icon.
  • Toggle Folder Icons Visibility (User Level): This command will enable/disable the Visibility of the folder icons.
  • Toggle Specific Folder Icons (User Level): This command will enable/disable the Specific folder icons.
  • Toggle Explorer Folder Arrows Visibility (User Level): This command will enable/disable the Visibility of the folder arrows in the Explorer.

Note that some of the preset commands will modify your settings at a different level. If you choose to modify them manually then you can also choose what setting are you going to use.

It's also important to say that if you choose to make a manual modification you will have to execute the Apply Icons Customization command (see Fine tuning section).

The Angular Preset will affect all icons beginning with ng_ so you'd better name your custom icons accordingly if you want it to work flawlessly. 😜