Ansible role to setup Bind/Named DNS server with sane secure default. Including
- Secure template from Team Cymru template ( Please note than separated internal/external views are not implemented currently.
- DNSSEC for authentication,
- RPZ to whitelist/blacklist entries
- Malware domains list blackholed
- Eventual integration with MISP RPZ export
- Authoritative DNS (mostly for internal zones) Mostly as cache/forwarder but could be other roles.
It was tested on the following versions:
- 2.0
- 2.1
- 2.2
Tested with Ubuntu 14.04 (bind 9.9.5), 16.04(9.10.3) and centos7(9.9.4)
Just include this role in your list. For example
- host: all
- juju4.bind
Nothing specific for now.
This role has a travis basic test (for github), more advanced with kitchen and also a Vagrantfile (test/vagrant).
Once you ensured all necessary roles are present, You can test with:
$ cd /path/to/roles/juju4.bind
$ kitchen verify
$ kitchen login
$ cd /path/to/roles/juju4.bind/test/vagrant
$ vagrant up
$ vagrant ssh
BSD 2-clause
- To bertvv for his bind ansible role for authoritative DNS with nice jinja2 filters to handle reverse lookup
In the end, there is an existing filter to do that since 1.9
ipaddr('revdns') One limitation, it's for not fit for zone and as such IPv6 is untested/unsupported.