This repository contains my solutions for the problems of Advent of Code 2019.
This year I decided to challenge myself and try to use a different programming language each day. In retrospect, this was probably the wrong year to do this challenge because of the IntCode puzzles, which were presented every second day, since it wasn't trivial to reuse my code from previous days. I had two options: either reimplement the interpreter every two days or think of something more clever. I ended up creating an executable of my interpreter and using it on other days by actually spawning a process with the interpreter and interacting with it through some other piece of code. I think it turned out just fine and I only needed to reimplement the interperter on one day instead of like ten.
Here's the final list of languages that I used for each day:
- Rockstar
- Perl
- Fim++
- Lisp
- OCaml
- Pike
- Pascal
- Prolog
- C
- Haskell
- F#
- Elm
- Groovy
- Rust
- Java
- R
- C++
- Erlang
- Lua
- SpringScript / by hand
- Dart
- C#
- JavaScript
- Python
Overall I think this was probably my favorite AoC so far, mainly because of the IntCode challenges, as I was constantly impressed with what the creator of AoC was able to do with such a seemingly simple language.