A simple password generator written in Go
Usage: gopwgen [OPTION] [length | num dice words] [num pwds/phrases]
-H Hexadecimal only (abcdef0123456789)
-a Alphanumeric only
-d Diceware passphrase (Choose random words from a list)
-p Generate phpMyAdmin Blowfish secret (for cookie auth)
-s Alphanumeric + symbols (NOT FOR MYSQL!)
-v Print the version number and exit
-w Generate WordPress encryption salts for use in wp-config.php
If no password length or number are defined (and you haven't changed the code),
a default length of 19 and number of 1 will be used.
For Diceware, the default number of words per passphrase is 6.
You'll generally get the best performance by compiling this script into a binary first, which is as simple as running: go build gopwgen.go
You can then run ./gopwgen
or simply gopwgen
if you copy the binary to ~/bin
or /usr/bin
Special thanks goes to:
Jacques Fuentes
Nikhil Narula
Bodie Solomon
for pointing out spots where I'd goofed or where code could be shrunk/improved.