#DWA-Fall 2015 Project 4 This is a Git repository for the fourth and final project of ##Author - Vani Thilagar
###Live demo https://youtu.be/L-XSTFhmns4
###Short description The project is called "America's kids got talent". This is an event registration system for a Children's talent show. Users register with the site and by default they're registered as 'Registered'. Jill and Jamal are the default registered users. Only a registered user can create item's for performance. So, one user can have many items.
My user has the following added field:
- role enum ('Registered'| 'Organizer'| 'Admin')
An item has the following fields:
- id
- name of school
- name of item
- type of item enum ('Dance'| 'Music' | 'Skit')
- Number of participants
- URL link to audition media
- Description
- Status of the registration enum('Incomplete'| 'Submitted'| 'Approved' |'Rejected')
An item is initially 'Incomplete' and can be edited by its creator until it is 'Submitted' to the organizer. Once submitted an item cannot be edited.
A guest user on the site can see all items but only a registered user can edit/delete his/her own item.
An organizer gets shown a different menu item under the Items menu where he/she accepts('Accepted') or (Sigh!)rejects('Rejected') an item after review.
The list of all items and their status is publicly visible to all. But items for edit/delete are allowed for registered users only. Organizer can only change the status of the registration and cannot modify them.
__Strong I'm trying very hard to get another table in with the list of performers, if I do it'll be in this readme.md in the notes below and may not be in the video. Hopefully the menu will be clear for it __Strong
All pages of the generated code validated in the w3.org validator
###The brand image used in this project was from Wikimedia commons https:https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File%3ABharatnatyam_logo.png