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A C++ implementation of QuadTree Data Structure. Old tests and other form of implementations (less performance) can be found in "refs" directory.

Please see .cpp and .h file for latest updates and more information as README might not be up to date.

Quadtree Iterator is not yet implemented

Class templates

T is a data type;

Vertex is a custom class, which is an alias of Vec2<long double> with vector and scalar operations and comparators.

PairT is std::pair<Vertex, T>.

ContainerT is std::vector<PairT>, for storing points and data in Tree Nodes.

Class constructor

QuadTree<T, PairT, ContainerT>(Vertex m_center = Vertex{0, 0},
                               Vertex m_range = Vertex{1, 1},
                               unsigned bucket_size = 1,
                               unsigned depth = 16,
                               bool sort = false);

The constructor has default parameters in it. Set each field if you want to increase its performance and features (sort within region).

Class member functions


bool insert(const Vertex &point, const T &data);


bool update(const Vertex &point, const T &data);


bool contains(const Vertex &point);


bool remove(const Vertex &point);

Get all data in every region

std::vector<std::pair<Vertex, T>> extract();

Get data in specified region

std::vector<std::pair<Vertex, T>> data_in_region(const Vertex &bottom_left, const Vertex &top_right);

Recursively print nodes, child nodes, m_parent node, and data

void print_preorder()

Recursively print only data

void print_data()


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