This repository contains the code for the Raspberry Pico based controller for RadioBerry/HL2 designed by Gopan VU2XTO.
For the details of the board etc, please contact Gopan.
- Install pico-sdk.
- clone this repo (
git clone
) mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
After a successful build, the .uf2
file path would be
, which can be flashed into the pico.
Since each person may use their own LPF/PA etc, some of the code is configurable. For instance I (vu2jxn/ex-vu3rdd) use an old Furuno LPF. The config.h file has some definitions that can be changed at build-time.
- LM386 pin 4 (ground)
- CN301 pin 3 (ptt out) to pico's pin 32 (ADC1). Pull up resistor (3.3k) between pico's pin 32 and pin 36. (I used an opticoupler between CN301 and pico)
- LPF active low vs active high/OC vs non-OC etc..
- TBD: Iambic keyer
- Support for user configurable filters (var1/var2).
- Indication of muted audio.
- Indication of the slider being changed by the rotary encoder.
This code started from a version of the controller done by Dileep Balan VU2DLE and was then modified by Gopan VU2XTO. The initial checkin contains both their modifications.