Convert documents in reStructuredText (RST) to text files suitable to be displayed in a terminal shell. The text files are formatted using a mixture of ANSI escape codes and markdown. It is also possible to wrap the resulting text to an arbitrary column width.
Convert RST documents to text files formatted with markdown and ANSI escape codes
- Custom docutils translator to text files with ANSI escape codes
- Wrapper of text files that is aware of escape characters (
) - Supported RST elements:
- title: markdown title plus ANSI bold text
- subtitle: markdown title
- section: markdown paragraphs
- strong: ANSI bold text
- emphasis: ANSI underline text
- literal: markdown literal plus ANSI inverse text
- reference: print link labels and URLs
- bullet list: markdown unordered list
- enumerated list: markdown unordered list
- Support for custom substitutions:
: ANSI red background|Info|
: ANSI green background- other substitutions will be converted to plain text
- Support for extra directives:
Parse posts from ABlog and convert them to a text file to be used as message of the day (MOTD).
- Same conversion features of RST documents as
- Convert any RST file with a post from ABlog to text format using ANSI escape codes
- Optionally, parse an HTML file with a feed of posts from ABlog and retrieve the most recent post RST document
- Use the publication date of the post to determine if the post is worth being published as MOTD (
) - Generate brief MOTD with a single paragraph from RST document (
) - Add additional header or footer sections to the MOTD (
) - Add additional link in the MOTD to the HTML page of the post (
- Python >=3.6
- ablog >=0.10.0
- sphinx
- docutils
- beautifulsoup4
- (tests) pytest
The following command will convert the example RST file with all supported elements into a text file with ANSI escape codes (display the text file in your terminal).
$ rst2ansi tests/examples/ablog_newspost_complete.rst
The following example generates a MOTD considering the given HTML news feed of ABlog. New MOTD will be stored in the default file called news.motd
. Any news item converted to MOTD will have an additional header, footer and link. In this case the root directory with RST files will be automatically determined from the news feed HTML file.
$ news2motd _website/posts/tag/motd/index.html
--motd-header motd/_templates/motd-head.ansi
--motd-footer motd/_templates/motd-foot.ansi