Using Node and any framework, your task is to build a currency conversion service that includes FIAT and cryptocurrencies.
In this challenge, your assignment is to build a service that makes conversions between different currencies. You will connect to an external API to request currency data, log & store requests of your users, and rate limit requests based on specific criteria. Your service must support at least the following currency pairs:
[] Implement assignment using:
[] Language: **Node**
[] Framework: **any framework**
[] We recommend using the Coinbase API for exchange rates:[]exchange[]rates
[] Your service should be able to identify users. You may use any form of authentication that you think is suitable for the task (e.g., API keys, Username/Password)
[] Your service needs to store each request, the date/time it was performed, its parameters and the response body
[] Each user may perform 100 requests per workday (Monday[]Friday) and 200 requests per day on weekends. After the quota is used up, you need to return an error message
[] The service must accept the following parameters:
[] The source currency, the amount to be converted, and the final currency
[] e.g. ?from=BTC&to=USD&amount=999.20
[] Your service must return JSON in a structure you deem fit for the task
[] BONUS: find a clever strategy to cache responses from the external currency API