A simple simulation of shell in Linux for learning. A blog (in Chinese) of introduction and how to build it :http://www.cnblogs.com/wuyuegb2312/p/3399566.html
make wshell
for wshell read input by fgets() or
make wshell_r
for wshell with readline lib.It need to install libreadline5-dev first.
Because of the lack of support for regular expressions , typing file's names such as "*.c" are not support.
main program
print out the prompt of wshell including path,hostname
read command input, and analyse the command and parameter(s).
support some built-in command,such as exit,quit,about, and cd.
a test program, helloworld, which can be executed in wshell.
analyses user's input line and tell them to wshell.
-Make the README.md be a real markdown file.
-Bug fix1:
Redirection operator ">>" will append a file, not trunc it to 0-size.
As noted by caiminfeng .
-Bug fix2:
When inputed "cd", it would be core dump before.
As noted by guokesong in issues2.
-Bug fix:
In readline mode, the spaces alloced by readline() was freed only once.Now they are all freed in the end of read_command().
As noted by xingfe123
-Bug fix:
Add handler of SIGCHLD. Earlier wshell would ignore the zombie process in background.
The handler only process the background process whose pid are saved in a array.
-Adjust some indents, although they are not errors.
-Bug fix:
Output redirect function was not completed. '>' still is for make new file,but '>>' append to any file now.
-Implemented a simple parsing function parse() to analyses the user input.
-Support I/O redirect, background running, and pipe.
-Bug fix:
Typing ctrl+d will normal exit wshell. before, segment fault when using readline lib.
Lack of free() somewhere, which may lead to memory leak.
-Implemented some builtin command,such as exit/quit, about, and, cd.
-Bug fix:
Never free the memory of command and parameters before, which may cause memory leak.
To solve it, read_command() has been rewrited, and is more like the one in Linux.
-Rewrite read_command():
There is no need to malloc for command and parameters any more.
All these just are pointers now.
-Supply two versions:
Using readline lib and not.the former need installing readline lib.
Type "make wshell_r" to make the former,and "make wshell" for another.
-Use execvp() instead of execve() to handle with commands like ls.
-Detect whether the shell is executed as root by geteuid()
-Bug fix:
execv()'s arg[0] usually is the name of command without path.
earlier version is not correct.
-Plan to do:
a built-in cd command.
##10.16 -A shell with basic function: get input and execute the test program(hello world).
为了学习而编写的Linux下shell的简单模拟实现。 介绍如何一步一步编写该程序的博客:http://www.cnblogs.com/wuyuegb2312/p/3399566.html
make wshell
make wshell_r
由于不支持正则表达式,含有通配符如"*.c"这样的文件名是不支持的。 不存在的命令不会提示。
感谢caiminfeng 的指出。
当输入不带参数的 `cd`时,会导致崩溃。
在readline模式下, readline()申请的内存不会被释放。
感谢xingfe123 指出。
输出重定向尚未完成。 '>' 仍然会创建新文件,但是'>>'会往文件末尾追加。
由于某处缺少free(), 会内存泄漏。
-实现了一些内建命令,包括`exit` 、 `quit` 、 `about` 、 `cd`。
输入"make wshell_r"可以生成前者,而"make wshell"会生成后者。
-用execvp()代替execve()处理 `ls` 这种命令。
支持内建命令 `cd`。
##10.16 -一个具有基本功能的shell: 获取输入并执行测试程序(hello world).