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Introduction to Web Accessibility

daniel-montalvo edited this page Dec 4, 2019 · 6 revisions

Table of Contents


This page shows all changes made to Introduction to Web Accessibility module of the WAI Curricula.

List of Changes during Approval to Publish Survey


  • "Fellows" changed to "peers" -- minor wording suggestion. An example is in module 1, topic 2, ideas to assess knowledge
    "Debate — From a given set of accessibility features in buildings, transportation, education, or healthcare, students draw analogies to web accessibility and share with their peers. Assess students' capacity to recognize how some features help make digital products accessible."
  • Interdependencies" changed to "links" as in learning outcomes of module 2:
    "Study the links between components of web accessibility (web browsers, authoring tools, web designers and developers, accessibility platforms, and operating systems)."
  • Removed "acquaintances"
  • Removed specific figures for report-type activities, as requested in #147
  • Changed "Content technologies" to "web technologies".
  • Changed "ageing individuals" to "older adults".


  • Module 1
    • In Ideas to Assess Knowledge in topic 2:
      • "Short Answer Questions — Students describe in their own words terms such as web accessibility, usability, and inclusion. Assess students' capacity to recite the aforementioned terms.
        has been changed to
        Short Answer Questions — Students describe in their own words terms such as web accessibility, usability, and inclusion. Assess students' capacity to describe these terms clearly and succinctly."
        To clarify meaning.
      • "Presentation — Students describe some features and barriers that people with disabilities encounter when using technology. Assess students' capacity to identify instances of the aforementioned features and barriers."
        Has been changed to
        "Presentation — Students describe some features and barriers that people with disabilities encounter when using technology. Assess students' capacity to identify instances and describe the impact that they have on people with disabilities."
        To clarify meaning.
  • Module 2:
    • Topic 1 Teaching Ideas:
      • Changed "eyeglasses" to "glasses" in:
        Present some assistive technologies and adaptive strategies, such as captions, text customization (e.g., font size, color, or spacing), specialized keyboards, audio descriptions, screen readers, and screen magnifiers. Mention things like glasses as a type of assistive technology.
      • Removed "to avoid misuse" in:
        "Demonstrate the use of assistive technology by experienced users. Note that some tools are not easy for novices. Ask users to show examples of accessible content first, then inaccessible content."
      • "Portraying" has been changed to "showing" in:
        "**Important**: Avoid showing disabilities as being limiting, uncomfortable, or heroic. For information on avoiding clichés and myths, see Interacting with People with Disabilities."
    • Ideas to Assess Knowledge:
      • Added "to recognize accessibility features" for clarity in:
        "• Practice — Students go to three different types of websites (e.g., shopping site, banking site, or entertainment site) and identify accessibility features from those they learned about. Assess students’ capacity to recognize accessibility features."
      • Clarifying idea
        "• Interview — Students contact a person with a disability and interview ↓them about ↓ ↕them. Explore ↕ what accessibility features and barriers they encounter when trying to access digital content or applications, as well as how up-to-date they are with technology."
    • Module's Ideas to Assess Knowledge"
      • "Use patterns" changed to "patterns of use" in:
        "Assess students’ capacity to identify some patterns of use and relate them to different user groups, regardless of disability."
  • Module 3:
    • Changed "foundations" to "more information"
      "For more information on these aspects, refer to The Business Case for Digital Accessibility".
    • Learning Outcomes at a topic level have been restructured like the ones at a module level, for consistency.
    • Teaching Ideas:
      • Adjusted scope of teaching ideas as requested in #153
        "• Compare the cost and effectiveness of integrating accessibility requirements into a project from the start versus integrating accessibility later. Discuss the need to integrate accessibility requirements and standards into procurement as well as development processes."
      • Removed "If possible" from the beginning of teaching idea:
        "Provide some examples of legal incidences with organizations in your region. If it is not possible, you can use examples from The Business Case for Digital Accessibility (Minimize Legal Risk) ."
      • Small tweaks to teaching idea:
        • Refer to specific legal cases related to accessibility and present their settlements or outcomes. Find cases that were both upheld as well as dismissed to determine the reasons for the outcome and explore why the case was brought."
    • Ideas to Assess Knowledge:
      • Clarifying idea to assess knowledge:
        "• Portfolio — Students research how an organization could benefit from improving accessibility. Assess students’ capacity to outline business opportunities gained from taking this approach."
      • Adjusting scope of an idea to assess knowledge about Article 9 of CRPD:
        "• Reflective Journal — Students study article 9 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) and share their understanding of the core concepts of it. Assess students’ understanding of the core concepts of article 9."
      • Clarifying idea to assess knowledge:
        "Assess students’ understanding of implications of legal requirements depending on business sector, size, and nature of organizations."
    • Remove "given" from an idea to assess knowledge at a module level:
      "• Open Book Exam — Students answer questions about the scope and applicability of specific policies from Web Accessibility Laws & Policies."
  • Module 4:
    • First topic:
      • More context and definitions added to the introduction of the first topic:
        "Introduce the web accessibility concepts Perceivable, Operable, Understandable, and Robust (POUR). For an explanation of these concepts, see Understanding the Four Principles of Accessibility. For an introduction to some web accessibility requirements belonging to each principle, refer to Accessibility Principles."
      • Changed "examples" to "requirements" in learning outcomes:
        "• List requirements of each of the principles."
      • Clarifying teaching idea:
        • Introduce how different design and development roles have responsibility for different parts of each principle."
    • Topic 2:
      • Removed:
        "Go through the milestones in WAI’s standards development. Refer to How WAI Develops Accessibility Standards through the W3C Process ."
        From the introduction of the topic.
      • Changed "relate" to "are related" in learning outcomes"
        "• Explain how these standards, web technologies, and accessibility components are related."
      • Changed "harmonization of standards" to "consistent standards" in learning outcome:
        "• Explain the role that consistent standards play in increasing the accessibility of the Web for people with disabilities."
      • Inserted "why" in:
        "• Describe how and why the public approach of standards development involves people with disabilities, industry, public bodies, and other individuals."
      • Teaching Idea clarified in:
        "• Explain that WAI develops these standards following the W3C process, with involvement of people with disabilities, industry, public, and research bodies, and individual experts. Refer to How WAI Develops Accessibility Standards through the W3C Process: Milestones and Opportunities to Contribute page, Community Collaboration Section."
      • Changed "applicable" to "relevant" in teaching idea:
        "Discuss with students the specific role of each of the standards mentioned and compare them with other relevant technical guidelines (if any)."
  • Module 5:
    • Topic 1:
      • Changed introduction to clarify scope:
        Introduce different approaches for integrating accessibility throughout the design and development process. Refer to Planning and Managing Web Accessibility. Emphasize that it is crucial to have management support to succeed in long-term accessibility implementations."

History of changes since monkey review

  • We now use "Modules" where we used "Units" as agreed in 15th November 2019 teleconference
  • In Module 2, People and Digital Technology:
    • Expanded an idea to assess knowledge to reflect how people with disabilities are up-to-date with technology.
      -"Interview — Students contact a person with a disability and interview them about what accessibility features and barriers they encounter when trying to access digital content or applications. Assess students' capacity to identify such features and barriers and link them to the knowledge they acquired".
      +"Interview — Students contact a person with a disability and interview them about what accessibility features and barriers they encounter when trying to access digital content or applications, as well as how up-to-date they are with technology. Assess students' capacity to identify such features and barriers and link them to the knowledge they acquired".
      Rationale: Different versions of software might influence on how components interrelate.
    • Added reference to accessibility platforms and APIs in teaching idea:
      -"Introduce potential options to improve accessibility in different situations. Guide students to reflect on the implications of using a more accessible browser, exploring plug-ins for tools, and requiring accessibility during procurement".
      +"Introduce potential options to improve accessibility in different situations. Guide students to reflect on the implications of using a more accessible browser, exploring accessibility platforms and APIs, and requiring accessibility during procurement".
      Rationale: Laying foundations for future curricula, where we might expand on how accessibility platforms and APIs may influence how assistive tools and adaptive strategies render content.
  • In module 3, Business Case and Benefits:
    • Added reference to improved search results ranking in teaching idea.
      -"Introduce case studies of organizations who have adopted accessibility. Explain the resulting benefits, such as improved brand reputation".
      +"Introduce case studies of organizations who have adopted accessibility. Explain the resulting benefits, such as improved brand reputation or improved search results ranking.
      Rationale: This is often viewed as a good selling argument for accessibility.
  • In module 5, Getting Started with Accessibility:
    • Made "sustain" more prominent in the introduction.
      -"Introduce different strategies on how to plan, apply, and manage accessibility".
      +"Introduce different strategies on how to plan, apply, manage, and sustain accessibility".
      Rationale: This better communicates that accessibility needs to be maintained over time.
  • [Internal]: Links to WAI resources have been updated to ease translation. Now they are expressed in relative paths.

Unit 1 (September changes)

  • Introduction has been reworded. "Courses based on this unit:"
  • Competencies section has been shortened and individual competencies have been split for clarity.
  • Short sentences have been added under the "Teaching Ideas", "Ideas for Assessment" and "Teaching Resources" titles to explain their purpose.
  • The sentence under "Topics to teach" has been shortened.
  • Minor wording changes in the "Teaching Ideas" section.
  • The section "Homework Ideas" under the topics has been changed to "Ideas for Assessment".
  • Content under "Ideas for Assessment" has been changed. It tries now to describe the type of activity students are expected to carry out and to guide instructors to determine the assessment criteria.

Units 1 and 2

  • "objectives" have been changed to "aims", as suggested by "A learning outcomes book" by D Kennedy. Now they are bulleted as well.
  • Assistive technologies has been adopted instead of assistive tools.
  • The word in use to define course-takers is now "students".
  • Added the sentence "The following is a list of skills required for this unit" to clarify what competencies are about.
  • More instructor levels have been added under the competencies section.
  • The expand an collapse sections have been shortened due to an issue with JAWS. Now they only include the heading and the rest of the introductory paragraph remains invisible.
  • The 'Ideas for assessment" have been reworded and are now bulleted as well.
  • The "Ideas for Assessment" in units 2 have been change completely.
  • Minor edits to the "Teaching Resources" section, especially in the explanations of each.

Topic: Stories of People with Disabilities

Topic: Scope of Web Accessibility

  • Teaching Ideas have been reworded.
  • The following paragraph has been removed:
  > -Tip: This topic sets the tone for future topics on the components of web accessibility, its business case, the applicable standards, and some planning and managing strategies. To prepare students for this further knowledge, emphasize that accessibility focuses primarily on the usability for people with disabilities and describe how accessibility characteristics benefit all users, e.g., mobile device users or users not fluent in the language.

Topic: Diverse Abilities, Tools, and Barriers

  • Teaching and Homework Ideas have been reworded.

Topic: Components of Web Accessibility

  • Teaching and Homework Ideas have been reworded.

  • "Accessibility" in the title has been capitalized.
  • The introductory paragraph for the whole unit has been reworded: Some of you noticed it was a long sentence so it's been shortened.
  • Learning outcomes have been updated to use more active verbs. The phrase "Learners should be able to" has been added before the actual list. These changes affect both the unit and topic levels.
  • Double brackets around resources have been removed. This affects all units
  • "Prerequisites" has been replaced with "Competences" according to resource and to some inputs received. This affects all units.
  • Actual competences for instructors have been modified, adding some [Medium] knowledge with special preparation requirements.
  • Ideas for assessment have been reinforced with the idea that people with disabilities can use technology when it is accessible (first bullet). In second bullet, "understand" has been replaced by "explain" to avoid ambiguity of the verbs used.

Topic: Stories of People with Disabilities

  • the introductory paragraph has been reworded for clarity and readability purposes.
  • Teaching Ideas have been reworded raising awareness that first experience with AT and adaptive strategies for students might come after following advise from experts.
  • The Tip now includes an explicit reference to a resource for further information on how to portray people with disabilities. References to the medical approach have been removed.
  • Spelling and punctuation mistakes have been amended in "Homework Ideas" second and third bullets.

Topic: Scope of Web Accessibility

  • The introductory paragraph, learning outcomes and teaching ideas have been reworded for this topic. Sentences have been shortened.
  • New Homework Idea has been added (second bullet).

Unit 2

  • The introductory paragraph for the whole unit has been reworded: Some of you noticed it was a long sentence so it's been shortened.
  • Learning outcomes have been updated to use more active verbs. The phrase "Learners should be able to" has been added before the actual list. These changes affect both the unit and topic levels.
  • Prerequisites has been replaced with "Competences" according to resource and to some inputs received. This affects all units.
  • Actual competences for instructors have been modified, adding some [Medium] knowledge with special preparation requirements.
  • Ideas for Assessment have been reinforced with some new additions.

Topic: Diverse Abilities, Tools, and Strategies

  • The introductory paragraph has been reworded and some sentences have been shortened.
  • Teaching Idea, first bullet, has been rewording mentioning specifically assistive tools and/or adaptive strategies. Previous iteration seemed vague for some.
  • Second bullet for Teaching Ideas now includes an explicit reference to a resource for further information on how to portray people with disabilities. References to the medical approach have been eliminated.
  • Two new Homework Ideas have been added based on suggestions.

Topic: Components of Web Accessibility

  • The introductory paragraph has been reworded and some sentences have been shortened.
  • Teaching Ideas have been reworded.
  • Fixed typo in Homework Ideas (first bullet).
  • Three new Homework Ideas have been added based on suggestions.


Introduction to Web Accessibility

September 2019

  • Unit 5; reviewing title and general scope/structure.
    • Friday September 6th. Proposing a new title: "Applying and managing Accessibility" changed to "Getting Started with Accessibility"
  • Unit 3, first draft review.
    • Survey opens Wednesday September 11th
    • Survey closes Wednesday September 18th
    • Comments discussed Friday September 20th

July - August 2019

  • Unit 5 complete draft review:
    • Survey opens Monday July 22nd.
    • Survey closes Tuesday July 30th.
    • Discussion results on Friday August 2nd.
  • Units 1 and 2, thorough review:
    • Survey opens July 30th.
    • Survey closes August 13th.
    • Discussion results on Friday 16th.
  • Unit 4 draft review
    • Survey opens Wednesday August 21st.
    • Survey closes Wednesday August 28th.
    • Discussion results Friday August 30th.