Very basic and light Dependency Injector Container for Monolog
Helps create the following handler
- Cube
- RotatingFile
- ChromePHP
- Syslog
- Socket
- MongoDB
- CouchDB
- HipChat
- PushOver
- ZendMonitor
- Stream
- Redis
from 2 strings : <handlerName>
<comma-separated list of arguments>
The second argument will be split, and pass to the handler __construct()
Download and include the MonologInit class in your code, or install it via Composer.
Usage example :
$logger = new MonologInit('Cube', 'udp://');
To pass more than one parameter, separate them with a comma
$logger = new MonologInit('Cube', 'udp://,0,1');
And use it like that :
$logger->getInstance()->addInfo('hi ! This is my first log');
This container is usefull for creating remote log, for instance via CLI, where you can't pass object.
There is already a SymfonyBundle that does the same thing, but it's … very heavy.