This is a Javascript plugin that displays an animated background in a selected dom element using HTML5 canvas.
Background consists of multuple "pixel" blocks that span the selected element, and animate by fading out, then fading in at another random location with a different color. The occurrence of these blocks are affected by probability to be more dense towards the center and more sparse at the edges.
Built because i was inspired by the design of a colleague of mine.
(i later found out that he never intended them to be animated, so that was a happy accident)
Simply import the plugin, then call new PixelBanner({target: "#selector"});
PixelBanner.defaults = {
target: "body",
dynamic_options: {
dynamic: true,
update_mode: "single",
update_interval: 250,
fade_interval_duration: 50
pixel_options: {
size: {width: 40, height: 40},
color_pallete: ["#1abc9c", "#2ecc71", "#3498db", "#f1c40f", "#e67e22", "#e74c3c"],
probability: {x_axis: "always", y_axis: "always"},
border: {width: 1, color: "#000"}