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Linked List


new LinkedList(comparator) Create a new linked list given a comparator function

isEmpty() Determine if there is any elements in list.

length() Determine the number of elements in the list.

contains(element) Given an element determine if the element is in the list.

getFirst() Retrieve the first element in the list.

getLast() Retrieve the last element in the list.

push(element) Add an element to the end of the list.

pop(element) Given an element remove the first element that matches the comparison.



isEmpty() Determine if there are any elements in the stack.

peek() Retrieve the element on top of the stack without removing it from the stack.

pop() Retrieve the element on top of the stack and remove it from the stack.

push(element) Add an element to the top of the stack.

Binary Tree

  /   \
2       3
  \   /   \
   4 5     6

isEmpty() Determine if there are any elements in the tree.

getData() Retreive the element at the root of the tree.

isLeaf() Determine if the tree is a leaf node.

getLeftSubtree() Retrieve the tree that is the left child of the current root node.

getRightSubtree() Retrieve the tree that is the right child of the current root node.

Binary Search Tree : Binary Tree

  /   \
2       3
  \   /   \
   4 5     6

new BinarySearchTree(comparator) Create a new Binary Search Tree given a compartor function.

add(element) Given an element add an element to the tree.

find(element) Given an element retrieve the first element that matchs the comparison.

findLargestChild(parent) Given a node in the tree, find the descendant node with greatest value.

remove(element) Given an element remove the first element that matches the comparison.

Huffman Tree : Binary Tree

  /   \
e       *
      /   \
     n     s

new HuffmanTree(comparator) Create a new Huffman Tree given a comprator.

add(element, code) Given an element and a bit string, add a node in the tree for the element such that the tree can be traversed using the bit string as a sequence of edges.

decode(code) Given a bit string, retrieve the element in the tree it corresponds to.

Heap : Binary Tree

  /   \
2       3
  \   /   \
   4 5     6

new Heap(comparator) Create a new Heap given a comparator function.

insert(element) Given an element insert the element in the heap.

remove() Retrieve and remove the root node which is the largest or smallest element in the heap.

Adjacency Matrix

[ 1 0 1 ] 
[ 0 1 0 ]
[ 1 0 1 ]

addEdge(v, w) Given two verticies then create an edge with an initial vertex of v and terminal vertex of w.

hasEdge(v, w) Given two vertices determine if there is an edge with a initial vertex of v and terminal vertex of w.

removeEdge(v, w) Given two vertices remove the edge with an initial vertex of v and terminal vertex of w.

outEdges(v) Given a vertex find all edges where the initial vertex is v.

inEdges(v) Given a vertex find all edges where the terminal vertex is v.


A       B - F
  \   /
  /   \
D       E

getVertices() Retrieve all verticies in the graph.

getEdges(v) Given a vertex, retrieve all the vertices it is incedent to.

addVertex(v) Given data, add the vertex to the graph.

findVertex(v) Given data, retrieve the vertex in the graph.

addEdge(v, w) Given two verticies relate them to one another to form an edge.

degree(v) Given a vertex determine how many vertices it is incedent to.