An Automatic Door Sytem prototype that uses an Ultrasonic sensor and a Servo motor otherwise known as SG90
The project involves coming up with a proof-of-concept automatic door system that helps reduce coming into contact with contaminated surfaces, e.g. a door in a public place, most especially during this day and age of Covid-19. The door is automated in such a way that it opens once one comes within range of the Ultrasonic sensor.
Arduino MEGA 2560, SG 90 Servo Motor, HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor, Jumper wires.
Operating Voltage: DC 4.8-6V, Operating Speed (4.8V): 0.15 Seconds/60°, Operating Speed (6V): 0.12 Seconds/60°, Stall Torque (4.8V): 1.3kg/cm, Stall Torque (6V) : 1.5kg/cm, Rotation: 0°-180°, Gear Type: Plastic.
Motor Connections: Red Colour- Supply, Orange Colour- PWM (Signal), Brown Colour- GND.
Working Voltage: DC 5V, Working Current: 15mA, Working Frequency: 40Hz, Min Range: 2cm, Max Range: 4m, Measuring Angle: 15°.
VCC: Power, Trig: Input Signal, Echo: Output Signal, GND: Ground.