- New users can register (3 points)
- Users can log out (3 points)
- A user can edit and delete his/her own comments but cannot edit or delete the comments of another user (8 points)
- A user can collect house and manage(delete,edit) hist/her own collected houses (8 points)
- A user or guest can search house by zipcode, address and price range. (8 points)
- Search result (information and image) post correctly (10 points)
- MongoDB is correctly installed and running on the instance.(3 points)
- MongoDB schema design is reasonable for document and collection. (7 points)
- Session cookie is HTTP-Only (3 points)
- Passwords are stored salted and encrypted (2 points)
- Safe from SQL Injection attacks (2 points)
- Site follows the FIEO philosophy (3 points)
- CSRF tokens are passed when creating, editing, and deleting comments on house (5 points)
- All pages pass the W3C validator (3 points)
- Code is well formatted and easy to read, with proper commenting (2 points)
- Site is intuitive to use and navigate (4 points)
- Site is visually appealing (1 point)