[NeurIPS 2024] Physics-Informed Regularization for Domain-Agnostic Dynamical System Modeling
To generate the simulated datasets, go to the data directory first
cd data
where we have a separate script fo generating each dataset. Hyperparameters used for datasets evaluated in the paper are saved as default values for each argument.
python generate_dataset_suffix.py
An example data of simple spring with 5000/2000 for train/test is in data/example_data
python generate_dataset_pendulum.py
python generate_dataset_attractor.py
The raw data were obtained via CMU Motion Capture Database
The walk and dance dataset are provided in data/motion_walk
and data/motion_dance
You can also download .asf and .amc. from the website and use the following command to get other trajectory:
python motion_preprocess.py
python motion_get_data.py
For all training procedures, use "--n-balls 5" for the spring datasets and use "--n-balls 3" for the pendulum dataset. We use the --data option to distinguish the dataset to be trained on. Supported dataset types include simple_spring, damped_spring, forced_spring, pendulum.
To start the training of TANGO and LGODE, use run_model.py. To run LGODE, use the command
python run_model.py --data simple_spring --n-balls 5 --train_cut 20000 --test_cut 5000 --sample-percent-train 0.6 --sample-percent-train 0.6
with appropriate arguments. To run TANGO, provide a non-negative value for the --reverse_f_lambda option
python run_model.py --data simple_spring --n-balls 5 --train_cut 20000 --test_cut 5000 --sample-percent-train 0.6 --sample-percent-train 0.6 --reverse_f_lambda 0.5
To run the ablation using the time-reversal loss following the original definition of time-reversal, use the --use_trsode option
python run_model.py --data simple_spring --n-balls 5 --train_cut 20000 --test_cut 5000 --sample-percent-train 0.6 --sample-percent-train 0.6 --reverse_f_lambda 0.5 --use_trsode
To run the ablation using the difference between groud truth and backward trajectories, use the --reverse_gt_lambda option instead
python run_model.py --data simple_spring --n-balls 5 --train_cut 20000 --test_cut 5000 --sample-percent-train 0.6 --sample-percent-train 0.6 --reverse_gt_lambda 0.5
To train these models, use the run_models_trsode.py script, and use the --function_type option to specify the model.
Running HODEN
python run_models_trsode.py --function_type hamiltonian --data simple_spring --n-balls 5 --train_cut 20000 --test_cut 5000 --sample-percent-train 0.6 --sample-percent-train 0.6 --reverse_f_lambda 0.5
Running TRS-ODEN
python run_models_trsode.py --function_type ode --data simple_spring --n-balls 5 --train_cut 20000 --test_cut 5000 --sample-percent-train 0.6 --sample-percent-train 0.6 --reverse_f_lambda 0.5
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python run_models_trsode.py --function_type gnn --data simple_spring --n-balls 5 --train_cut 20000 --test_cut 5000 --sample-percent-train 0.6 --sample-percent-train 0.6 --reverse_f_lambda 0.5
To train LatentODE, go to latent_ode folder and then run
python run_model.py --data simple_spring --n-balls 5 --latent-ode --train_cut 20000 --test_cut 5000 --sample-percent-train 0.6 --sample-percent-train 0.6 -l 15 -u 1000 -g 50 --rec-layers 4 --gen-layers 2 --rec-dim 100 --lr 1e-3
Please consider citing the following paper when using our code for your application.
title={TANGO: Time-Reversal Latent GraphODE for Multi-Agent Dynamical Systems},
author={Huang, Zijie and Zhao, Wanjia and Gao, Jingdong and Hu, Ziniu and Luo, Xiao and Cao, Yadi and Chen, Yuanzhou and Sun, Yizhou and Wang, Wei},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.06427},