Academic System created for Advanced Programming Course task
1. adding, seeing, and editing students details
2. adding, seeing, and editing lecturers details
3. adding, seeing, and editing employees details
4. adding, seeing, and editing courses details
5. assign courses to students
6. login for admin, students
7. IPS input for each semester for admin
8. IPK count
9. Error throw (with error message)
Download the executable file at 'release', the file named as "sim 2.0.0"
Or clone this repository manually or download as zip file
Type on your terminal
git clone
Then head to the directory
<parent directory>> cd academic-system
Run your Visual Studio Code by typing
<parent directory>/academic-system> code .
Run sim.exe in your terminal using command ...
Make sure you have downloaded the GNU Makefile for Windows (For Windows OS) , then type in your terminal
<parent directory>/academic-system> make
and then, just run the sim.exe file