This tool synchronizes ICS calendars registered with SOGo.
This is a tool that uses Java 8 to call the SOGo refresh link for connected ICS calendars (for example from Google).
It assumes that
- SOGo is running at
- The SOGO database is running on localhost, port 3306 (and can be accessed through a mySQL/mariaDB connector.
It can be compiled using maven (pom.xml is provided), the mariadb-java-client (mySQL compatible) will be retrieved automatically as dependency, in this case.
Just call mvn clean install
in the sogoTool directory and retrieve the jar with dependencies from the target directory.
Required parameters are:
The database name
The database user (that only needs read access)
The password for the database user
An example call is:
java -jar sogo-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar --db_name sogo --db_user sogoUpdate --db_password myPassword
Note that the db-password will be visible for other users on the same machine (for example, if they use "ps").
An example CRON bash file is provided (sogoUpdate), it can be put into /etc/cron.daily/.
Tested with SOGo 3.0.1