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warp-core edited this page Mar 23, 2024 · 4 revisions

Glossary / Commonly used terms

This page lists commonly used terms and abbreviations used in the ES source-code and ES developer community.

Term In-game meaning
Carried Ship Ship typically of a small class like Fighter or Drone that can be carried by another (larger) ship.
Carrier Ship typically of a larger class that can carry one or more (smaller) ships.
Depreciation The loss of value (in selling costs) over time of outfits and ships.
Deploy Activity where a carried ship leaves its carrier to fly independently.
Depart Start of an activity for leaving a planet by ship. Can be interrupted if there are reasons not to leave yet.
Launch Activity where a ship leaves a planet.
Recall Order from a flagship to carried ships in its fleet to return to their carriers.
Return Activity where a carried ship returns to its carrier.


Abbreviation Non-abbreviated
Cap Short for capturing.
Combat Rating A sort of reputation that measures your combat experience. Influences missions offered and which planets you can demand tribute from.
DPS Damage per Second.
Escort Can refer to either ships that are part of the player's fleet, or ships that are a part of a mission and follow the player.
Farming Taking some repeated action over a length of time in order to achieve a goal (e.g. obtaining a large number of some outfit, credits, or reputation).
<first> <last> The player character. (See text replacements)
FW Free Worlds.
Kiting Maneuvering such that you can attack your enemy while they cannot attack you.
Minmax Minimizing undesired stats or attributes while maximizing desired stats or attributes.
Piracy Threat How attractive your fleet is to raids by pirates, increased by how much cargo space you have and decreased by the total DPS of your fleet.
Plugin A collection of text files and possibly images and sounds used for expanding or modifying the base game. (See the creating plugins page)
RNG Random Number Generator. Abbreviation usually used in contexts where luck is needed to accomplish something (like capturing a ship with low odds.)
Save scumming Repeatedly reloading a save file until achieving the desired results.
Tiers A non-linear measure of strength used to compare factions. (See the story ideas page.)
Tribute Dominating a world to receive a daily amount of credits from them.
WS World-Ship.
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