A web color themeing tool.
Carmine is a smart web themeing javascript module. Carmine can generate a theme for any website given a list of colors. Carmine will group all elements based on their background color, and assign each group of elements the most appropriate color from the list. Carmine will also adjust the chosen colors from the list to preserve the saturation and luminance differences in the web page. Discontinued probably like forever, and it's pretty horrible code too.
Carmine requires tinycolor.js to run. Make sure to have tiny color running when you run carmine!
Generates and stores data about the elements on the web page.
Generates and stores theme data for the web page given a color list. Requires generated elem data.
carmine.getThemeData(["red", "yellow", "blue"]);
Themes the web page given a color list from the theme data that was generated for that color list. Requires generated elem data and generated theme data.
carmine.getThemeData(["red", "yellow", "blue"]);
carmine.themePage(["red", "yellow", "blue"]);
© 2019 theultraman20
(8/2/21): My code here was so horrible, that I'm seriously considering making this private to spare myself the embarassment.