This repository is for the GitHub Actions 101 workshop that is taking place during the Data Science Team's Firebreak week in September 2023. The repository should be forked by attendees who wish to code as they go during the workshop.
This workshop will aim to cover:
- GitHub Actions Basics: core concepts and essential terminology for GitHub Actions, including the YAML syntax for defining workflows.
- How to leverage pre-built actions and workflows from the GitHub Marketplace.
- How to use secrets to manage sensitive information securely.
- How to structure workflows to manage when they are triggered, what jobs will execute, and how they can optimise their workflow efficiency.
This workshop will cover four parts/ exercises.
- Setting up a basic action
- Setting up a testing action to occur on a pull request
- Setting up a draft-release action to occur on a pull request
- Setting up a release action to occur on the publishing of a release