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#This is test commit added by warun #This is test commit by madhu

--stg_events config { type: "operations",
hasOutput: true,
schema: dataform.projectConfig.defaultSchema, name: "stg_events", tags: ["events" ,"bronze"] } LOAD DATA INTO ${ self() } ( id INTEGER NOT NULL OPTIONS (description = "Id of the customer"), userid INTEGER OPTIONS (description = "Name of the customer"), sequence_number INTEGER OPTIONS (description = "Sequence of events"), session_id STRING OPTIONS (description = "Session ID"), created_at STRING OPTIONS (description = "Event creation time"), ip_address STRING OPTIONS (description = "IP Address from which event created"), city STRING OPTIONS (description = "City"), state STRING OPTIONS (description = "State"), postal_code STRING OPTIONS (description = "Postal Code"), browser STRING OPTIONS (description = "Browser used for event creation"), traffic_source STRING OPTIONS (description = "Traffic source"), uri STRING OPTIONS (description = "URI"), event_type STRING OPTIONS (description = "Type of event") ) FROM FILES ( format = "CSV", field_delimiter = ",", skip_leading_rows = 1, quote = "", uris = ["gs://df_ecom_demo/raw_data/events/*"] );

--stg_order_items config { type: "operations",
hasOutput: true,
schema: dataform.projectConfig.defaultSchema, name: "stg_order_items", tags: ["order_items" ,"bronze"] } LOAD DATA INTO ${ self() } ( id INTEGER NOT NULL OPTIONS (description = "Order Item Id"), order_id INTEGER OPTIONS (description = "Order Id"), user_id INTEGER OPTIONS (description = "User Id"), product_id INTEGER OPTIONS (description = "Product Id"), inventory_item_id INTEGER OPTIONS (description = "Inventory Item Id"), status STRING OPTIONS (description = "Order Item Status"), created_at STRING OPTIONS (description = "Order Item Creation Timestamp"), shipped_at STRING OPTIONS (description = "Order Item Shipped Timestamp"), delivered_at STRING OPTIONS (description = "Order Item Delivered Timestamp"), returned_at STRING OPTIONS (description = "Order Item Returned Timestamp"), sale_price STRING OPTIONS (description = "Order Item Sale Price") ) FROM FILES ( format = "CSV", field_delimiter = ",", skip_leading_rows = 1, quote = "", uris = ["gs://df_ecom_demo/raw_data/order_items/*"] )

--stg_pr.js publish("test2_stg_products") .query(LOAD DATA OVERWRITE ${ dataform.projectConfig.vars.bronzeSchema }.${ constants.STG_PRODUCTS } ( id INT64 NOT NULL, cost FLOAT64, category STRING, name STRING, brand STRING, retail_price FLOAT64, department STRING, sku STRING, distribution_center_id INT64 ) FROM FILES ( format = "CSV", field_delimiter = ",", skip_leading_rows = 1, quote = "", uris = ["gs://df_ecom_demo/raw_data/products/products_20230811.csv"]) ) .type("table")


config { hasOutput: true, type: "operations", name: "stg_products", schema: dataform.projectConfig.vars.bronze_Schema, tags: ["products" ,"bronze"] } LOAD DATA OVERWRITE ${ self() } ( id INT64 NOT NULL, cost FLOAT64, category STRING, name STRING, brand STRING, retail_price FLOAT64, department STRING, sku STRING, distribution_center_id INT64 ) FROM FILES ( format = "CSV", field_delimiter = ",", skip_leading_rows = 1, quote = "", uris = ["gs://df_ecom_demo/raw_data/products/products_20230811.csv"] );


config { hasOutput: true, type: "operations", name: "stg_users", schema: dataform.projectConfig.vars.bronze_Schema, description: "users table till 2021", tags: ["users" ,"bronze"] }

LOAD DATA OVERWRITE ${ self() } ( id STRING NOT NULL, first_name STRING , last_name STRING , email STRING , age STRING , gender STRING , state STRING , street_address STRING , postal_code STRING , city STRING , country STRING , latitude STRING , longitude STRING , traffic_source STRING , created_at STRING ) FROM FILES ( format = "CSV", field_delimiter = ",", skip_leading_rows = 1, quote = "", uris = ["gs://df_ecom_demo/raw_data/users/users_till_2021.csv"] );


config { type: "operations",
hasOutput: true,
schema: dataform.projectConfig.defaultSchema, name: "stg_inventory_items", tags: ["inventory_items" ,"bronze"] } LOAD DATA INTO ${ self() } ( id INTEGER NOT NULL OPTIONS (description = "Inventory Item Id"), product_id INTEGER OPTIONS (description = "Product Id"), created_at STRING OPTIONS (description = "Inventory Item Creation Timestamp"), sold_at STRING OPTIONS (description = "Inventory Item Sold Timestamp"), cost STRING OPTIONS (description = "Inventory Item Cost"), product_category STRING OPTIONS (description = "Inventory Item Product Category"), product_name STRING OPTIONS (description = "Inventory Item Product Name"), product_brand STRING OPTIONS (description = "Inventory Item Product Brand"), product_retail_price STRING OPTIONS (description = "Inventory Item Product Retail Price"), product_department STRING OPTIONS (description = "Inventory Item Product Department"), product_sku STRING OPTIONS (description = "Inventory Item Product SKU"), product_distribution_ceter_id STRING OPTIONS (description = "Inventory Item Product Distribution Centre ID") ) FROM FILES ( format = "CSV", field_delimiter = ",", skip_leading_rows = 1, quote = "", uris = ["gs://df_ecom_demo/raw_data/inventory_items/*"] )


publish("dim_inventory_items", { type: "incremental", schema: dataform.projectConfig.vars.silverSchema, name: "dim_inventory_items", tags: ["inventory_items" ,"silver"], description: "Inventory Items Dimension Table", columns: { product_name: { bigqueryPolicyTags: ["projects/gcp-sandbox-3-393305/locations/us-central1/taxonomies/6103638487414924910/policyTags/6256338910151106080"] } }, dependencies: ["assert_inventory_items_rowvalidations"], bigquery: { labels: {"type":"dimension"} } }).query(ctx => SELECT id, product_id, ${utils.parse_date("created_at")} as created_at, ${utils.parse_date("sold_at")} as sold_at, CAST(cost as NUMERIC) as cost, product_category, product_name, product_brand, product_retail_price, product_department, product_sku, product_distribution_ceter_id FROM ${ctx.ref("stg_inventory_items")} ${ctx.when(ctx.incremental(),WHERE cast(substr(created_at, 1, 10) as date) > (SELECT IFNULL(MAX(EXTRACT(DATE FROM created_at)), CAST('${constants.DEFAULT_DATE}' as DATE)) FROM ${ctx.self()}))} )


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