Go-ICP is a registration algorithm for 3d point clouds with global optimization. However, it needs nornalized models in txt file format as input. This container with script does pre-processing to normalize (values in [-1,1]) any ply files passed as input, generate the registration matrix (GoICP), register the reading model to the reference model, and calculate the error between the two models using PCL.
Pull the image from Docker Hub like so:
docker pull wasd/go-icp-docker
Skip to running the container after this step
Clone this repository and edit the Dockerfile, if you wish, and then run in the same directory as the Dockerfile:
git clone https://github.com/wasdkhan/go-icp-docker
cd go-icp-docker
docker build -t wasd/go-icp-docker .
Go to your two 3D models folder, let's say it's defined as $MODEL_DIR
Run either one of the following on the command line
Without X-forwarding:
docker run -it --rm \
-v $MODEL_DIR:/models/ \
-w=/root/maya-archaeology/go-icp-script/scripts \
With X-forwarding (to view error models):
First, Enable non-network local connections to access control list
xhost +local:
Next, Run the container
docker run -it --rm \
-v $MODEL_DIR:/models/ \
-w=/root/maya-archaeology/go-icp-script/scripts \
-v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \
Optionally, after exiting docker container, to bring back to normal:
xhost -
To register two ply files and calculate the error afterwards:
python go-icp.py /models/reference.ply /models/reading.ply
Results should be printed in console and files will be located in /root/maya-archaeology/go-icp-script/models/reading folder
Refer to Documentation for specifics
python error.py /models/reference.(vtk, ply, pcd) /models/reading.(vtk, ply, pcd)
Results are stored in /models/e-reading/ folder and has the input files as pcd, the input files with norms as pcd, and the error models in pcd and ply formats.
Refer to Errors