Converts RÚIAN data to PostgreSQL database.
ruian2pgsql is a command line application. It reads data from RÚIAN XML files and stores them in PostgreSQL database. It does not keep the history records, it just keeps the latest state of all the objects. It is possible to import just one file as well as many files. If one file is imported several times, or in case content of some files overlaps, ruian2pgsql imports all the objects only once (they are tracked by their unique id assigned in RÚIAN).
- JRE or JDK 7+
- PostgreSQL server with installed PostGIS or MySQL server (if --no-gis command line switch will be used)
- Apache Maven 3+ (just in case you want to compile the application yourself)
You are not required to compile the application yourself, you can download
latest binary from Anyway,
compilation of ruian2pgsql is easy. Once you install Apache Maven, you just need
to run mvn package
in the root directory of the sources, where pom.xml file is
Here is the usage information that ruian2pgsql outputs if run without parameters:
Usage: java -cp ruian2pgsql-*.jar:jdbc-driver.jar com.fordfrog.ruian2pgsql.App <options>
is JAR file containing database driver (either PostgreSQL or MySQL)
if enabled, GML strings from the source XML files are first converted to
EWKT and then stored in database, otherwise original GML strings are
stored in database (use this option based on the level of GML
implementation in Postgis version you use)
creates database tables for the data (if tables with the same name
already exists, it is first dropped)
--db-connection-url <value>
is JDBC connection URL, for example:
processes all specified files but no data are written to database
if used, debug information are output
--input-dir <value>
is directory that contains downloaded .xml.gz files
--log-file <value>
is optional specification of log file (if not specified, log will be
output to console)
ignores all GIS information (Geometrie element) in the input XML file
if GML definition is not valid, application ignores the definition and
saves the object without the definition (if this parameter is not
specified, application throws exception and exits while trying to save
invalid GML definition, the drawback of this parameter is that it makes
the import little bit slower because each GML definition is checked
twice - once during the check and the other time during saving in
resets RÚIAN transaction ids so that following data import will update
all data (data are updated only if new transaction id is greater than
transaction id that is stored in database - this feature is useful in
case you want to regenerate your data because of some issue with
previous import, without deleting all data and starting with fresh
List of planned features is at wiki.
ruian2pgsql is distributed under MIT license.
- Added --no-gis command line switch that disables import of GIS data.
- Added support for MySQL databases if --no-gis is used.
- Prepared statements are now initialized only once and not each time new file is processed.
- Changed index creation DDL statements to make it compatible with PostgreSQL versions lower than 9.0.
- Added command line switch --dry-run for running the application without making any modification in database.
- Added command line switch --convert-to-ewkt which converts GML strings to EWKT before the geometries are stored in database. This is because the level of GML support in Postgis is not adequate to the GML geometries contained in RÚIAN files.
- Added command line switch --debug which outputs extra information.
- Added ruian_stats view that displays statistics of RÚIAN data and its geometries.
- When --ignore-invalid-gml is specified, if invalid GML is encountered, it is printed to the log.
- Added workaround for Postgis bug (it does not parse MultiPoint with pointMembers and instead saves empty multipoint). The workaround is applied automatically if the target database is affected. Original GML is rewritten so that instead of pointMembers element pointMember element is used.
- Added command line switch --reset-transaction-ids.
- first release