This repo houses code for go implementation of blobfuse Refer to the main package for the blobfuse-go code. For a filesystem example using bazil/fuse refer to loopback-example package
Based on file system library Bazil-fuse Uses Azure Storage Blob SDK for communicating with storage account container
Bazil Fuse Library: go get SDK in Go: go get
Compile the file in the main package using following command: go build filesystem.go dirapis.go fileapis.go connection.goThis will create a executable named as filesystem
To run executable along with following command line options: ./filesystem --mountPath=/home/user/mountDir --accountName=nameOfStorageAccount --accountKey=accessKeyOfAccount --containerName=nameOfContainerToMountThis will start the file system application as a daemon. Now you can move inside the mounted directory to wrk with the azure stroage account container mounted.
Works for Ubuntu 18.04 Works for HNS disabled account Authentication through Access Key only Caching not implemented