Connection pooling for backend server in Go using UDP for broadcasting data and TCP for relaying commands from the client
type WPool struct {
dataAddr string
commandAddr string
commandIn chan *wjson.CommPacketJson
dataOut chan *wjson.CommPacketJson
numConns int
connections []net.Conn
func CreateWPool(dataAddr string, commandAddr string) *WPool
Creates a new WPool that broadcasts and recieves commands from the specified addresses
func (pool *WPool) Serve()
Function that starts the connection pool for TCP and UDP, calls ServeDataChannel and ServeCommandChannel
func (pool *WPool) ServeDataChannel()
Broadcasts data to the WPool's port using UDP via channels
func (pool *WPool) ServeCommandChannel()
Recieves TCP connections for commands and adds them to the connection pool
func (pool *WPool) GetNextCommand() *wjson.CommPacketJson
Returns the next command in the commandIn channel as a JSON
func (pool *WPool) CommandHandler(conn net.Conn, connIndex int)
Handles commands via TCP from the specified connection in the pool and passes them to the commandIn channel
func (pool *WPool) CloseConn(conn net.Conn, index int)
Closes the specified TCP connection in the pool at the specified index
func (pool *WPool) BroadcastPacket(packet *wjson.CommPacketJson)
Passes the given packet into the WPool's dataOut channel to be broadcasted
func SendPacketByteArray(dataConn *net.UDPConn, data *wjson.CommPacketJson)
Writes the next packet in the dataOut channel to the WPool's broadcast address