Goal is to get a search and booking flow working. Main items:
- Come up with a rough conversation flow
- Design the interaction model (intents/slots etc)
- Create the skill / interaction model in the Alexa Beta Console
- Use Ralyxa and ngrok to get a simple Ruby service hooked up to the skill and working with the Alexa simulator
- Make some updates to Ralyxa:
- Add support for DelegateDialog response directive
- Allow restriction of intents to a session values (for state/mode)
- Develop the full search and booking flow
- Modify the Drivy app (API) locally to use a hardcoded session
- Hook up the skill to the Drivy app to actually make searches
- Get the skill to actually make bookings
- Add cards to the Alexa app when making a booking?
- Allow the user to ask for a cheaper/closer car? Or just another one?
- Allow the user to filter cars?
- Allow the user to list/cancel current bookings?
- Official (recent) example skill with state which could serve as a template: https://github.com/alexa/skill-sample-nodejs-highlowgame
- Ralyxa: A Ruby framework for interacting with Amazon Alexa
- Pizza Buddy: Ralyxa example app
$ brew cask install ngrok
$ ngrok http 4567
$ gem intall rerun
$ rerun 'bundle exec ruby ./server.rb'
Using rerun
ensures that code changes get reloaded during development.
- What happens if the search date/time is in the past?