Adaptive Multiresolution Code
Carmen is a free software program for solving evolutionary partial differential equations and is available free of charge.
The original code has been developed by Olivier Roussel during his PhD in collaboration with A. Tsigulin under the supervision of Dr. Kai Schneider.
O. Roussel. Developpement d'un algorithme multiresolution adaptatif tridimensionnel pour la resolution des equations aux derivees partielles paraboliques. Application aux instabilites thermodiffusives de flamme. PhD Thesis, Universite Aix-Marseille II.
Details of the code and the numerical methods can be found in the following journal papers. For any publications using the Carmen code we kindly ask to cite them.
The original code has been published in:
O. Roussel, K. Schneider, A. Tsigulin, H. Bockhorn. A conservative fully adaptive multiresolution algorithm for parabolic PDEs. Journal of Computational Physics 188 (2), 493-523, 2003. The local time-stepping scheme can be found in:
M. O. Domingues, S. M. Gomes, O. Roussel, K. Schneider. An adaptive multiresolution scheme with local time stepping for evolutionary PDEs. Journal of Computational Physics 227 (8), 3758-3780, 2008. and the time-step control in:
M. O. Domingues, O. Roussel and K. Schneider. An adaptive multiresolution method for parabolic PDEs with time-step control. Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng. 78, 652-670, 2009.