x86-64 instruction encoder in Go (work in progress)
This package contains a more-or-less direct port of the instruction-encoding logic from CensoredUsername/dynasm-rs. Only a relatively small subset of the features in dynasm-rs
are supported. Not many features are working or tested yet, but the intended use-case is assembling executable code at runtime.
See the godocs or otherwise look at the tests for usage examples.
package example
import (
// importing everything from the package into the current scope makes for less noise
. "github.com/wdamron/x64"
const (
func CompileSumFunc() (func(a, b int) int, error) {
mem, err := unix.Mmap(-1, 0, os.Getpagesize(), READ_WRITE, ANON_PRIVATE)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("sys/unix.Mmap failed: %v", err)
asm := NewAssembler(mem)
// Note: the call frame (arguments and returned value) starts at [RSP+8].
// The return address will be stored at [RSP].
asm.Inst(MOV, RAX, Mem{Base: RSP, Disp: Rel8(8)}) // RAX := a+0(FP)
asm.Inst(MOV, RBX, Mem{Base: RSP, Disp: Rel8(16)}) // RBX := b+8(FP)
asm.Inst(ADD, RAX, RBX) // RAX += RBX
asm.Inst(MOV, Mem{Base: RSP, Disp: Rel8(24)}, RAX) // ret+16(FP) := RAX
asm.Inst(RET) // return
if asm.Err() != nil {
_ = unix.Munmap(mem)
return nil, asm.Err()
if err := unix.Mprotect(mem, READ_EXEC); err != nil {
_ = unix.Munmap(mem)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("sys/unix.Mprotect failed: %v", err)
sum := (func(a, b int) int)(nil) // placeholder value
// Assign the address of the assembled/executable code to the code-pointer within
// the placeholder function-value:
if err := SetFunctionCode(&sum, mem); err != nil {
_ = unix.Munmap(mem)
return nil, err
return sum, nil